Lords of Chaos Organization in Valine | World Anvil
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Lords of Chaos

Sowing Chaos and Destruction

A triumvirate of powerful, almost mythical, beings consisting of Ravasus, Lord of Insects; Ebosos, Lord of Constructs; and Grizrus, Lord of Beasts. Legends say that they inhabit an immense fortress carved into the top of an unscaleable mountain on an isolated island, and they travel between worlds, sowing chaos and strife.


Five centuries ago these three powerful figures formed a loose alliance devoted to sowing chaos across worlds. Their impact on some worlds was devastating. Divine forces took note of the imbalance they were causing and set their own forces against them. No pattern or ultimate goal to their actions has ever been perceived, nor has a guiding force behind them ever been revealed.
Ravasus, Lord of Insects
Ebesos, Lord of Constructs
Grizrus, Lord of Beasts
Political, Triumvirate
Notable Members


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