Icivian Species in Valine | World Anvil
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Everything has flaws, and nothing is perfect. Not only are icivians aware of this truth; they relish it. There is always space for improvement, and progress is a never-ending pursuit of unattainable perfection. Due to their optimistic mindset, icivians are never discouraged by setbacks and are overjoyed at any possibility for growth that presents itself.   Icivians are tall and slim, towering over humans on average while weighing almost the same. Their hairless skin ranges in shades of blue to green. Blue or violet eyes are quite prevalent. They lack external ears, have broad, flat noses, and are naturally strong swimmers. Along with their skin tone, this has led to speculation that they originated in the oceans and are, perhaps, related to tritons or aquatic elves. In truth, however, their lineages are entirely separate from those species.   Strong civic leaders who are renowned for their communication skills, they nonetheless prefer to engage with ideas rather than people. Icivians create close friendships based on beliefs rather than emotions. Additionally, they are drawn to those with whom they have fiery disagreements. Icivians tend to be bored by those with whom they cannot find either a common belief system or an acrimonious topic of disagreement.   Icivians can appear chilly, if not utterly callous, to non-icivians. In reality, they feel emotion the same as others, but they are more adept at concealing their feelings. They take a deliberate approach to whatever they do, and they stay calm and patient when the best outcome depends on their inaction.   Because icivians are inquisitive and analytical thinkers, they are naturally driven to the invention and refinement of things, whether they are laws and procedures or magical sciences.   Icivians believe that information, careful analysis, and scientific research are the necessary building blocks for obtaining the seemingly unachievable aim of perfection. While some icivians devote their time and energy to self-improvement, others seek to improve society through the creation and enforcement of laws.

Civilization and Culture


Icivians are given names at birth, but usually choose new names for themselves as part of their transition into adulthood. They rarely use family names.
Male Names: Aglar, Bellin, Dallid, Firellan, Kavin, Koplony, Lomar, Mathvan, Modar, Nebun, Nhillosh, Nitt, Otrovac, Ovlan, Pelener, Rill, Trivaz, Uldin, Yolov, Zataz
Female Names: Azi, Barvisa, Brazia, Direll, Fainn, Griya, Hallia, Katrille, Kovel, Lilla, Mirela, Morai, Nedress, Ossya, Pierenn, Roya, Sestri, Triel, Uzana, Yaraghiya, Zlovol
Icivian Wizard by Rob Taylor
Icivians mature slower than humans‌ do, reaching maturity around age 40. Their life span is typically 100 years, with some living to the age of 120.
Average Height
Tall and slender, Icivians stand 7 to 7 1/2 feet tall on average.
Average Weight
Icivians usually weigh less than 200 pounds.


Ability Score Increase +2 Int, +1 Wis
Size Medium
Speed 30 ft.

Icivian Traits

Icivian Dispassion
You have advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.   Tireless Precision
You are proficient in one of the following skills of your choice: Arcana, History, Investigation, Medicine, Performance, or Sleight of Hand. You are also proficient with one tool of your choice. Whenever you make an ability check with the chosen skill or tool, roll a d4 and add the number rolled to the check's total.   Partially Amphibious
By absorbing oxygen through your skin, you can breathe underwater for up to 1 hour. Once you've reached that limit, you can't use this trait again until you finish a long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common , Icivian, and one other language of your choice.

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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