Hag's Brew Item in Valine | World Anvil
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Hag's Brew

A brew made within a coven of Hags, Hag's Brew is created using the same principles as a Hag's Eye. Hags participate in the filthy ceremony on the night of a full moon, beginning an hour before midnight and concluding an hour after. The ritual requires the entire coven to stay within ten feet of each other for the entire ritual, lest the ritual power be broken, and drains so much energy that it prevents them from utilizing their coven skills the next day or performing another of their rituals until the following full moon. The exact purpose of a Hag's Brew varied with the details of the particular ritual used but known effects have included the ability to see invisible creatures, the ability to enchant other creatures into following a hag's instructions, and temporarily transforming creatures into fiendish reflections of themselves.

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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