Frostbrand Item in Valine | World Anvil
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Weapons wrapped with a frostbrand grip are particularly effective against creatures with an affinity for fire or beings of fire. Created using the blood of their counterparts, such as ice trolls, Ice Mephit and their like, the blood is infused into a fabric that is then used to create the weapon's grip. An arcane ritual is performed by a cleric of Tehsus and is then blessed by a cleric of Ades or Jopha to seal in the frostbrand magic. When a weapon's grip is wrapped in the frostbrand fabric it permanently fuses to that weapon. The frostbranded weapon takes on an icy blue sheen bright enough to emit dim light in a 5 ft. radius when uncovered or unsheathed.

Cover image: World of Valine Tome by Rob Taylor


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