Sourbelch Condition in Valathrion | World Anvil
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Sourbelch is an adverse reaction of Dark elves and other galothris-afflicted creatures to sugar-rich foods of the Verdant realm. Its name derives from the sour smell and acidic vomit caused by the ingestion of such foods, to which a galothrian body is unaccustomed to.


Galothrian bodies are used to very different nutritional values and their bodies react adversely to some chemicals and compounds found in Verdant food, predominantly the high concentration of sugars in synthesizing plant life.


Symptoms vary, but the most common are as follows:  
  • acidic smelling breath
  • nausea
  • headache
  • acidic vomit
  • convulsions
  • diarrhea
  • Treatment

    The most common treatment is to simply flush the offending compounds out of one's system by vomiting or waiting for the body to get rid of them on its own.   A mixture of blue cherries and crestweed crushed and mixed with water usually helps with the acidic breath and the nausea, but rarely prevents diarrhea and can make the headaches worse.


    Repeated consumption of the incompatible compounds can cause stomach ulcers, permanent damage to the stomach lining and intestinal epithelium, as well as damage to the microorganisms living in the gut, causing the already weak immune systems of the Dark elves to be compromised further.


    Sourbelch and similar responses to their new environment plagued the Dark elves from the very beginning and it took a significant toll on their numbers before the conditions were fully understood and the Black mist cast, allowing the cultivation of duskfood, which has similar nutritional values as the food in the Umbral realm.

    Cultural Reception

    Nowadays, sourbelch is experienced somewhat rarely, as the Dark elves eat their own specially cultivated food and taste outside cuisine only on the rarest of occasions. Most sourbelch poisonings happen among the youth, who often venture outside the mist and steal alcohol and food from the living and then consume it with their friends. This small theft and the ensuing sourbelch vomiting is considered an important social aspect, a certain rite of passage necessary to be accepted by the turbulent Dark elven youth.

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