Krettak Species in Valathrion | World Anvil
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Krettak are medium-sized, carnivorous mammals native to Galothris known to be the most common predator in the Umbral World. They usually hunt in packs, but stragglers are rather common and still fearsome and competent predators, although they tend to be targeted by other packs or larger predators when alone.   The perception Galothrians have about Krettak is two fold - denizens of minor settlements and small isolated groups, who are often locked in endless struggles to survive and protect their families whilst procuring food under the threat of the numerous Krettak packs roaming every corner of the Umbral Realm, percieve them as a menace, as reflected in them being the traditonal symbol of evil in folk culture, fae occultism and throughout most Rondahar Cults. City dwellers, on the other hand, rarely encounter these creatures, as they are scared of approaching large settlements. These people, having the advantage of observing these beasts from afar, consider them to be fascinating predators and a symbol of strength, perseverance and perfect execution, being a popular symbol for military forces and clans alike.

Basic Information


Krettak are quadripedal, with a long, flexible tail and a large head with a powerful jaw. Their size usually ranges from 2,5 to 3,2 meters from tail to snout and 1 to 1,5 meters from ground to shoulder, although both larger and smaller outliners exist - the largest known Krettak to exist was Hratsh'iik, pack leader of the Makkalo pack, regarded as sacred by the Uliiki people, who was nearly 5 meters long and stood at a height of 2,2 meters. On the other hand a small Krettak subspecies, the Aulak, rarely exceed 2 meters in length.   Their body structure is sinewy and lean, affording great agility along with often surprising strength. Krettak skin is smooth, usually black or dark-brown with grey, beige and lighter brown variant being also common. It is covered in a layer of gel-like substance, secreted through glans located under their skin. This secretion, known as Gujuba, protects the animal from the elements and light, and allows it to regulate its body temperature. When ingested, Gujuba is toxic and can be lethal with high dosage, and is used by a number if cultures in alchemy, ritual concoctions and poison making. Krettak saliva contains a more potent version of Gujuba called the Enjuba.   The both visually and functionally dominant part of Krettak bodies is the head. It is smooth and elongated, ending in an incredibly powerful set of jaws with sharp teeth that never stop growing during a Krettak's life - old specimens commonly have teeth procluding from the closed jaws and even scratches on their skin from overgrown, protruding teeth, if they curl towards the head. This often makes older Krettak unable to effectively hunt or fight for food and leads to exile and an eventual death by starvation or to being killed by the younger males in the pack. Just behind the jaw, on the side of the head are a pair of large, independently moving eyes providing the animal with excellent eyesight.   The body ends in a flexible tail to balance out the weight of the head.
Geographic Distribution

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