Dereck Thalend, the Child of Chaos Character in Valathrion | World Anvil
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Dereck Thalend, the Child of Chaos

Derrick Thalend (a.k.a. The Child of Chaos, the Worldrender, the Seventh Son, Herald of the Overfather)

Supposedly born of a forbidden union between Nomer Thalend, a rich fur trader based in the city of Soldeim and a forest witch, Dereck Thalend has been surrounded by suspicion and high strangeness ever since he was born. Seemingly manipulating fate itself with his mere presence and breaking the natural flow of events in his vicinity, the boy has become a source of mystery and dread in equal measure in his community and beyond, leading to a life of loneliness, distrust and hardship.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dereck was likely concieved in late autumn of 622 JC, when his father Nomer was caught in a bandit ambush in the forests north of Soldeim and barely escaped with his life into the wilderness. He would remember eventually being saved by a group of strange but alluring women living deep in the forest, admittedly hiding from mage-hunters. He would spend a week in their care, although barely remembering anything of his stay, only to return to his home city once healed enough to be capable of leaving. Or so he thought. When he returned to Soldeim, he would be confronted by the shocking truth - he was missing for eight years, none of which he remembered and at his side stood a somewhat strange seven-year old boy, presumably his son, who did not even have a name. Confused and in disbelief, Nomer would try to return to his previous life, only to keep failing at everything he attempted. His wife, three daughters and the entire household would grow to hate him for his abandonment and for bringing a bastard back with him, his old status of a great and influential merchant in the city would have all but vanished at this point, as others have taken over his role during his absence, but worst of all was the silent and mysterious boy he named Dereck, who seemed to attract strange happenings and unusual events wherever he went, only to be judged and harassed for it by his adoptive family and everyone in his community.   Somehow unable to let go of the boy, Nomer was eventually persuaded by his wife into letting a priest exorcise him. The repeated torturous rituals would, however, make Dereck more erratic and unstable and his seeming effect on the fabric of reality around him would become more pronounced and disruptive. The priest, however, insisted that this is a sign of the demon, who supposedly lurked within the boy, being drawn out and continued the torture for weeks, until the manor became filled by a tense, otherworldly aura of near-insanity, that eventually drove the family crazy, with one of Nomer's daughters losing her mind and killing the priest and one of her sisters, whilst his wife and other daughter suffered from delusions and would often lose their connection with reality for hours at a time. This ended in his family abandoning the now destitute Nomer for good, leaving him poor and indebted in an empty and now possibly cursed manor with his traumatized son.   Nomer would gather all his friends and use all his remaining resources in order to organize an expedition into the woods where he got lost nearly fourteen years ago and find the witches responsible for his curse - and either cure the boy of his malady or take him away forever. The expedition, however, turned out to be a catastrophe - the further they searched the more of his companions would get lost, never to reemerge from the darkened woods and Nomer seemed to be losing his mind, becoming effectively insane by the time he was, weeks after leaving Soldeim, left with only his deranged son. Mad, exhausted and starving, he turned on the thirteen year old, cursing him for the misfortune he brought him and started to beat him viciously, when his fist suddenly stopped and his eyes would stare at something only he could see, paralyzed and shocked by a sudden realization known only to him, only to fall dead minutes later, taking what he has seen with him into the afterlife.   Dereck, terrified, ran into the thick woods, hoping to die, only to run out into sunlight, looking at the town of Maras in front of him, mere three miles west of Soldeim. Venturing forth without purpose, he would try to make a life for himself, serving in various households and bringing misfortune to every one of them, only to be chased away.   In the following years, he would be loved, hated, hunted and shunned, captured and studied as a strange creature, worshipped by a cult and used as a weapon by a cruel lord, with his experiences turning him more dangerous but also more adamant to survive, to the point where people would run away upon seeing him pass by.   Dereck would become a living legend, a force to be reckoned with, bending reality without any control, disrupting fate itself, turning the linear river of life into a delta of infinite, normally impossible possibilities. His fate, and the fate of all around him uncertain, conflict and chaos would follow Dereck wherever he would go and not even the gods would have the power to foresee where his story would eventually come to an end.
Unknown, Dereck's abilities disrupt time
Date of Birth
Autumn 622 JC
Current Residence
Dark blue
Dirty blonde, middle-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Naturally fairly pale; considerably tanned by his transient lifestyle
177 cm

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