Draqull Bezonian Character in Vaeruin | World Anvil

Draqull Bezonian

Draqull Bezonian

A young dragonborn who craves adventure, and wants to prove himself and break from his predecessor's shadows/   Draqull

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Athletic build, tall, muscular

Body Features

Scales are the colors of dalmatian jasper Has wings Has a tail

Facial Features

Golden eyes

Identifying Characteristics

Wings Curved horns Unusual color scale color

Physical quirks

Tall Wings get in the way of stuff long tail

Special abilities

Breath Weapon Type: Slow Flight

Apparel & Accessories

Scale Armor Short sword

Specialized Equipment

Hunting Tracking Smoozing Flirting

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Was born to a bard and a former exotic dancer, his first few months of life were spent sheltering from a plague that ravaged the land. He was moved to a city protected from the plague, waiting for his father and his comrades to rid their homeland of the monstrosity that was causing the epidemic. After the excision of the mastermind normalcy had started to return to the world, but for Draqull his normal remained the same. Days spent with the other children behind the walls learning and playing before his father returned from his diplomatic mission. Once the land had been revitalized, his family moved back to their original home. Once he got old enough to start his training, he earnestly sapped the knowledge from his father and his comrades, hoping to one be as strong as them. In his adolescent years he started training solely under his godmother. Under her tutelage he became a fine ranger. Taking up her creed to use his strength to protect the weak, and make sure no monster gets free reign on the innocent.

Gender Identity



Goes both ways like an intersection


Received tutelage from many different facets of life Learned from his parents and their comrades


Works as a hunter

Accomplishments & Achievements

Became the pupil of a hero Vanquished monsters plaguing people Comforted many a housewife/househusband

Failures & Embarrassments

Not being able to finish a beast and having it create havoc getting caught sleeping with someone's s/o Not living up to family's greatness

Morality & Philosophy

The strong must protect the weak No haven for evil monsters Act fast so that your life won't pass

Personality Characteristics


Wants to prove he's got what it takes not because of his background but because of his skill

22 y.o. dashing dragonborn, craves adventures and prestige like his father before him, and his aunty. He is a love and a fighter though he much prefers the former. Was trained by former heroes who had saved the world, wants to strike out on his own man.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Date of Birth
November 28
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dalmatian Jasper
6ft 6 in
Known Languages
Draconic Common Iperel Bisholo
Ruled Locations