Fraldarian Steer Species in Uthilith | World Anvil
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Fraldarian Steer

Fraldarian Steer are a breed of male cattle prized for their particularly fatty, delectable meat that are rich in nutrients.

Basic Information

Ecology and Habitats

The Fraldarian Steer were named for the patron of the Floating Isles of Fhirdiad - a Prime Ancestor Dragon named Fraldaria, who offered her protection to the residents of the Floating Isles in return for their loyalty.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

These Steer aren't particularly intelligent. Rather, they're docile creatures who were very easily domesticated by the earliest ranchers to settle the Floating Isles.
Average Weight
On average, a Fraldarian Steer at the peak age and build for slaughter will weigh approximately 1,500 pounds.
Geographic Distribution

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