Motor Dualism Organization in Utah Apocalypse | World Anvil
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Motor Dualism


There is little organization to Motor Dualism, though one member of each of the Dual Councils is elected as the "Captain" of their side of the faith. This appointment is generally for the rest of their life, but can be removed if two-thirds of their council agrees on it. The Blind Seer, as the Captain of the Solarists is called, though he or she is not usually actually blind, is primarily in charge of organizing and recording the prophecies spoken by the Seers of the Sun. The Delver, Captain of the Believers of the Deep Fire, primarily leads the burial rites of those that die in battle, sometimes personally anointing them.

Public Agenda

To keep the Sun burning and to keep the Oil pumping from the ground

Mythology & Lore

In days long past, there was but one fire, making up all of the universe.

In times unknowable, the fire split into two, one half becoming the sun, and the other half building a shell of iron around itself to become the core of the Earth.

Even longer after that, some say nearly five billion years, the Sun and Core awoke, and begun discussing between them what to do with the places that now existed that were outside them

The Sun wished to create a single people that could live from the energy of the sun itself, but The Core, wisdom tempered with eons of labor, building Itself, knew better. It suggested that an infinite number of life forms be created, each different, though sometimes only subtly, from each other. In addition, there would be a creature that would know to thank both The Sun and The Core. The Sun agreed, and both went to work.

It took millions of years, but their work was complete. But not long after, a betrayal was done by both of them. The Sun secretly gifted some forms of life the ability to live off of only itself, while the core arranged for the first species to be destroyed entirely to fuel the coming of the next age.

When The Sun saw what The Core had planned, requested that The Core save its specially designed people, to which The Core agreed, with the exception that they become rooted to the ground and require energy from both Core and Sun to live. And so the end of Saurians came, though what are now known as Trees live on, and some worship them, rather than the Sun and Core.

After this, The Sun and Core began working together, and finally created Humans, who would go on to harness the power of both Fires. However, for a long time Humans misinterpreted the Fires. Some only worshiped the Sun, while others only worshiped the Core. Eventually, a time came when most humans worshiped neither, and so the Fires agreed that a demonstration had to be made.

The Fires allowed for the Dragons to break into this world, and gave those that relied the most on Them a revelation. Thus, the Motorists, a people that rely on the Saurian Fuel of The Core, or Deep Fire, as well as the Panels of the Sun. Others, that did not worship the Fires would be allies, as long as they sought to defend Earth against the Dragons as well.

Divine Origins

Over time, knowledge of the history of the Earth was confused, and eventually merged with a group that had begun worshiping the sun. This "finalized" version of Motor Dualism only really settled in as canon about a century and a half after the dragons broke through.

Cosmological Views

The sun and the core of the earth are divine entities that worked together to create everything.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Return those who die to their Fire
  2. At the age of 16, between the last day of the old year and the first day of the new one, journey to the Mission Center to see if those of your age are destined to journey to The Sun
  3. Be aware of the prophecies of the Seers, The Sun reveals more than just the Earth


If a Dualist finds a body that is unburied or otherwise exposed, they are generally obliged to either bury it or place it in the sun. They believe that even if they weren't Dualists while alive, they can still be returned to the Sun. A body inside of a building, where the Sun can barely reach it, is considered bad luck.


Traditionally, there is a brief prayer given at high noon, generally during lunch. Holidays are at the Solstices, as well as


Besides the Captains of each Fire, the Seers of the Sun are the closest things to priests. Some Solarists are gifted with prophecy, which they receive by staring into the sun. This gift occurs only among those that are blind, but still have eyes. Children that are born blind are seen as particularly potent Seers, and are usually raised so that they can navigate the world as if they weren't blind, which supposedly strengthens their gift even farther, as they can "See Without Sight."

Granted Divine Powers

Besides the gift of prophecy granted to the blind, there are no major divine powers, though some Motorists say that they have survived fires or explosions that should have killed them through the protection of one of the Fires.

Sun and Fire

Religious, Organised Religion
Permeated Organizations
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