Orcs Species in Ustremmel | World Anvil

Orcs (awrkz)

Fighters of the Isle. The Secluded People.

Living on the secluded Crag Isles in the small encampment of Ruzdrol, the Orcs are mostly ignored by the other species in Ustremmel. Living so far away from the continent, the only interaction this species sees is through coastal raids and more civilized trade with the merchant city of Merchants Quarry.   While it is known that the Orcs do have a Dark Prince, it is entirely unknown who it is. With warring factions being a prominent issue in the Crag Isles, communications with the Orcs have almost completely broken down over the past decade. The traders have all but fled to Merchant's Quarry, refusing to talk about whatever monstrosities are befalling the rest of their people.  

Orc Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 2 and your Constitution increases by 1.
  • Age. Orcs reach adulthood in their early teens and live up to 60 years old. Other than humans, Orcs have the shortest lifespan.
  • Size. Orcs are approximately 6 to 8 feet tall and weigh anywhere from 200 lbs to 280 lbs.
  • Speed. Your base walking speed is 30.
  • Darkvision. You can see in darkness and dim light for up to 60 feet.
  • Intuition. You have proficiency in two skills: Animal Handling, Insight, Intimidation, Medicine, Nature, Perception, or Survival.
  • Powerful Build. You are counted as one size larger when considering the weight of items that can be carried, pushed, or lifted.
  • Languages. You can speak Orc and Common.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

While Orcs are deemed as "less intelligent" by the other sentient species in Ustremmel, this has never been proven true. More likely, the culture of the Orcs put much more focus on the sloppy or unrefined aspects of life, leading the more pompous races to deem them "stupid" for not finding joy in the same traditions as themselves.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Orc names are much more recognizable than the others that permeate through Ustremmel. Due to their seclusion from the other races, there is little to no opportunity for outside influence to reach their cultures. This makes all Orc names follow the same phonic logic.   All Orc names traditionally contain many rough and contrasting consonants, regardless of gender or status. Some may be named after objects, while others will be named after the traits they display in youth. Orcs will typically not be named until they reach adulthood at twelve years of age, instead being referred to as "(parents) child."

Notable Locations

  • Crag Isles
  • Ruzdrol

Notable Halflings

  • Unknown


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