Oracle Dragonbones Item in Urvén | World Anvil
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Oracle Dragonbones

Dark futures, the gift of foresight and uncanny luck.

The bones rattle to a stop on a dark, wooden table amid a dusting of light snow. Cold, bony hands rub together in concentration as the pattern is carefully considered. A future is glimpsed. Cold violence and blood on the snow.

Covered in fine, carved runes, these polished bones appear to have been sourced from a particularly young dragon of unknown colouration. There are a pair of teeth, a shoulderbone, a rib, a vertibra and three knucklebones. When not in use, they are stored in a rough drawstring bag.

The dragonbones have an innate property of divination and may allow someone with no experience to have some degree of foresight. To a skilled practitioner, they may aid and elevate these abilities. They were found in the possession of Sister Auspicia, a bheur hag residing in the mountains in the south of Dunsland, among many other mundane fortunetelling tools.

Urvén Homebrew

Oracle Dragonbones

Wondrous Item

Varies Unknown Requires Attunement

Foresight. While attuned to these bones, you may roll them onto a flat surface to cast the cantrip guidance.

Preparation. While attuned to these bones, after a long rest, you may roll a d20 with advantage and note down the result. You may use this result in place of any single ability check, attack roll or saving throw made within the next 24 hour period.

Querying the Future. While attuned to these bones, you may spend ten minutes utilising the bones to cast the spell divination requiring no material components. Once used in this way, this property may not be used again until a week has passed. The providence of the information gathered in this way is not clear.

These carved, polished and runed fortunetelling bones appear to have been sourced from a young dragon.

Cost: Unknown
Weight: 3lb

Item type
Religious / Ritualistic
Base Price
Suggested In-session Rolls

Intelligence (History) to understand the sinister origins of this item.


The oracle dragonbones are of unknown construction. They do not follow the usual crafting system in my setting.

Rules on crafting magic items can be found here.

Cover image: by Antonio López from Pixabay


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