Orc Species in Urthe | World Anvil
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As an Elder race, Orcs are just as significant to the history of Urth as the other races. They are known for a particular reverence for the elements and honoring their ancestors (particularly those fallen in battle).   Civil conflicts within the race have prevented them from attaining the same level of presence as other peoples, however, they are one of the hardiest and fiercest races on the planet.

Basic Information


Orcs are larger and generally more muscular than most other races, rivaled only by Saurians and Goliaths (and Dwarves, relative by size).  Their bone structure is more dense and sturdier, with wider shoulders and larger extremities.  Their most distinctive features are facial, with heavier brows that overhang their eyes and pronounced lower canine teeth that resemble tusks.  Some Orcs exhibit a hunched posture, though this varies by region and genetics.

Genetics and Reproduction

Orcs reproduce sexually and are compatible with Orcs, Humans (resulting in Half-Orcs), Elves (also resulting in Half-Orcs), Goblins (resulting in Goblins or possibly Bugbears), and Ogres (resulting in Ogrillons).

Growth Rate & Stages

Orcs mature rapidly, reaching adulthood around the age of 14.  Undisturbed Orcs may live into their hundreds, however their harsh lifestyles have lowered the average age of death to 55.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Orcs are strict carnivores.  Their digestive systems can metabolize plant matter, at the price of extreme stomach cramping and acid reflux.


Orcs have a genetic predisposition for aggressive responses to danger. They rarely, if ever, cower from a fight. They are an intelligent species if given the opportunity to pursue scholarly avenues (as proven by Gnomish scholars).

Additional Information

Social Structure

Orc society is based around Clans, groups of families who provide and protect one another. Each clan is led by a Chief, who is advised by a Shaman and a Master of the Hunt. Heavy emphasis is placed on communal value to the clan, with every Orc expected to take up a role in the clan as soon as possible. Children are often taught to hunt once they able to lift and swing an axe. Those who display aptitude with magic are often trained to be Shaman and those with affinities for beasts become riders (Orcish Cavalry). Those who refuse to help the clan or display selfish tendencies are typically exiled.   Exiled Orcs usually find one another and form warbands. These Orcs utilize their strength and martial skills to pillage and terrorize weaker races and settlements. If allowed, a warband can sometimes grow to an army and spread destruction in their locality. The biggest such army was recruited by Vurgormazatroth during the 2nd Great War.   Occasionally, an Orc may find himself unsuited for the roles and expectations expected of them and may leave the clan, venturing out into the world to forge their own destiny. These individuals typically integrate into whatever societies they find themselves in, oftentimes they end up a productive member of their new homeland.

Facial characteristics

Orcs typically have a pronounced brow ridge and jutting low jaw to accommodate their larger lower canine which emerge as pointed tusk-like teeth. Males have larger lower tusks, while females are less pronounced.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Orcs are widespread in Esverde (primarily in the Vurklos Cauldron and the Midlands) and in Rusolte (Outside the Elven Territories).

Average Intelligence

Orcs are cunning strategists and warriors, though their infamous battle rages betray their intelligence.  Orcish Wizards, Warlocks and Sorcerers have been observed, albeit rarely and are clear exceptions to the norm.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Orcs enjoy Darkvision and an excellent sense of smell.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Orcs have an affinity for Wolves, and have been known to tame Wolves, Dire Wolves, and sometimes Wargs.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Males and Females are seen as absolute equals and each individual must pull their weight in the Clan regardless of gender.

Courtship Ideals

Unlike other races, Orcs typically do not take life partners.  Mating is seen as a basic necessity for survival of the Clan.  Individuals gauge potential mates on their skills in the hunt, their ability to provide resources for the Clan, and their ability to defend the Clan from harm.  Most Orc tribes are locked in a never-ending internal competition to prove ones' suitability as a mate.  Particularly exceptional Orcs are often encouraged to mate with many partners in order to ensure a strong generation of whelps for the Clan.

Relationship Ideals

While marriages are non-existent in Orc culture, some extended partnerships between male and female Orcs have been noted by Gnomish scholars.  These have typically occurred when two exceptionally powerful Orcs come together and recognize the potential of multiple offspring raised from their combined stock and educated by their collective expertise.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Orcs speak Orcish, with regional dialects unique to the Vurklos region of Esverde and the Norvuk region of Rusolte.  Orcs typically pick up on Common as well.

Common Etiquette Rules

Honor is paramount among the Clan.  A proper greeting between Orcs involved crossing the arms over the chest and revealing any weapons one may be armed with.  For familiar peers, saying the first name of the other Orc is enough.  For unfamiliars, it is expected that you give your name as a greeting.

Common Dress Code

Clothing serves a utilitarian purpose only, and in the absence of harsh weather or defensive need, it is not uncommon to find Orcs unclothed in their domain.  What clothes they do wear are minimal and accentuate freedom of movement.  Their armor tends to be made of leather or hide, as chain or plate armors tend to be restrictive and cumbersome.  Orcs will, if required, wear full clothing in settings that necessitate such decorum.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Orc culture places heavy emphasis on strength and perseverance through extreme trials, particularly combat. The loss of a limb or senses is not seen as a weakness but a badge of honor, though suffering the same loss voluntarily is considered cowardly unless done to protect another Orc. Shamans are a revered and sacred class, and their communions with the elements guide Orc clan dispositions. Magic that deals with natural aspects and elements is seen as acceptable. Any magic that deals with the unnatural or chaotic realms is shunned and practitioners are treated as pariahs.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Orcs prize the bones of defeated enemies and successful hunts as trinkets and will adorn their weapons and armor with pieces of bone as a status symbol.

Common Taboos

Mating with non-orcs, particularly Goblins, is seen as a sign of weakness.  Emotion outside of ferocity in the midst of battle is also seen as a weakness.


Orcs have endured a long history of struggle and hardship.  Their first recorded interactions with other species involve elven reports of skirmishes on their northern borders.

Historical Figures

Gorrmassh One-Eye - The Neutral Evil God of Warfare and Blood. He gained power and ascended after leading an Orcish horde against Elves who had been encroaching upon Orc settlements in Rusolte. Formerly possessing the aspect of Justice, he lost this domain after leading the slaughter of innocent villagers within Lushanese borders. Scholars speculate that this was done due to provocation from a figure greatly resembling the descriptions of Xjeet.   Gorfosch One-Hand - A Lawful Neutral Orc who ascended to godhood after challenging and nearly defeating Gorrmassh the One-Eyed in single combat. His loss was considered tainted when it was revealed that Gorrmassh had used sorcery during the fight rather than pure martial prowess. From that point on, Gorfosch became accepted as the God of Honor and Duels.

Common Myths and Legends

One of the few unifying traits among the Orc race is the belief of their origins. Clan shamans all trace Orcish lineage to spirits of living shades who arrived on Urthe after the arrival of the Dragons. These shades were beings with origins in the realm of the Fae, and had forayed into Urthe attracted by the powerful ley energies it contained. Upon discovering a nexus of magical energies, the shades were set upon by demons from the void and a battle ensued. Though the shades suffered heavy losses, they ultimately won the day and discovered in the aftermath that they had inadvertently rescued beings from their opposite realm: a pack of shadow wolves from the Fel. The wolves had been mortally wounded, but retained their ferocity and will. Initially, the shades intended to leave the wolves to die but with one final surge, the wolves lashed out at their benefactors, resulting in a violent reaction as their opposite essences came into contact in the presence of the magical nexus. Their essences coalesced amidst howling and screams of agony. Borne of pain and anguish, and covered in blood, the first of the mighty Orcs emerged from the cacophony.   Orcs have a smaller pantheon than most other races, as their beliefs place more weight with that of the elements than singular deities. Their known gods are as follows:   Gorrmassh One-Eye - Neutral Evil God of Warfare and Blood.
Arga Wolfbitten- Chaotic Good God of Strength
Naglud Foulhand - Chaotic Evil God of Sorcery
Gorfosch One-Hand - Lawful Neutral God of Honor and Duels
Scientific Name
Fae Fortis
Average Height
Average Weight
300 lbs - Male 275 lbs - Female
Average Physique
Orcs tend to have muscular, stocky builds, regardless of level of physical activity.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Skin colors range from dark grey in northern regions to deep green in southern regions.
Geographic Distribution