Shimmer Swarm Species in URI NANNA | World Anvil

Shimmer Swarm

A shimmer bug is a tiny 0.3 inch long insect that can be found in most wooded regions. While they may be large in number they are still most difficult to find. For a shimmer bug is a master of optical illusions changing its shells color to anything it wishes. What they eat is still an ongoing discussion in the more inquisitive circles. Some say they eat leaves and berries while others claim they feast on rotting carcasses.
Now, while a shimmer bug is a common creature, it's still not without its secrets. For on a rare occasion they form mobile swarms and start wandering. These swarms can be made out of of thousands if not millions of shimmer bugs. But that is not even their greatest secret, for those swarms hold one even greater. While a shimmer swarm can be large in number they are only one in mind. One swarm operates like a single living organism. It takes the form of a medium sized humanoid. Usually the form of a lizardman or another scaled humanoid. Now while the swarm may be made up of bugs, it still has a weak spot. The most essential part of the swarm is their hive that they carry within their made up body. It could be seen as like a mobile home of sorts. Those lucky enough to have seen one describe it to look like an ostrich egg covered with holes.
A swarm tends to live within small towns, blending in with the locals there. It is capable of mimicking almost anything that a humanoid creature does. It eats foods, drinks liquids and speaks of events that have come to pass. They are also not limited in what profession they can do. A swarm is capable of holding a weapon and muttering the incantations of an spell. A swarm casting a spell is a sight to behold. Millions of tiny voices chanting in unison, each voice making the one next to it swell. While they may be one in mind that one mind is still made out of millions of tiny ones. That makes a swarm smarter then most humanoids it encounters.

Shimmer Swarm

Ability Score Increase +2 Int, +1 Con
Size Medium
Speed 30ft

Speak their tongue

You know one language of your choice

Shimmering camouflage

Shimmer bugs have great control over their carapace. As an action the swarm can change the coloring of every bug. The new colors remain until you use this feature again.

Flowing body

The swarm is made of bugs that are about 0.3 inch long. As an action you can start meditating on your body. While meditating, you can extend a connected line of bugs from your body. The main body remains intact. This line can extend up to 30ft and can be as wide as 1 ft. These bugs can move trough cracks as small as 1 inch. The line of bugs has a strength score of 2 and can carry 30 pounds. All of the bugs share their senses.

Heart of the swarm

The swarm carries within it their hive. The hive is as big as an ostrich egg. The swarm needs this hive to survive. Normally the hive is protected from all damage, but when left alone it has 10 HP and AC of 5. If the hive is destroyed then the swarm dies too.

Sing their tune

You can mimic the speech of another person or the sounds made by other creatures. You must have heard the person speaking, or heard the creature make the sound, for at least 10 minutes. A successful Wisdom (Insight) check contested by your Charisma (Deception) check allows a listener to determine that the effect is faked.

Languages. Common, Shimmer