Rata-Rata Species in URI NANNA | World Anvil



The Rata-Rata can be found all over the Everwood. They usually gather in clans, with each clan having their own tree.   


The Rata-Rata are a peace loving folk, this desire has made them appreciate laws and the order that they bring. They tend to not pick sides as long as it doesn't threaten their peace.   


The Rata-Rata usually live to the age of 90 years, but there have been ones that even reach 130.  


The Rata-Rata rarely grow taller than 2'6".  


The Rata-Rata look like a larger squirrel. Their fur varies in color based on the place they grew up in. It generally takes a more natural color such as a brown or dark gray.

Short fuse

There is one unspoken rule that everyone in the Everwoods follows, you never cross a Rata-Rata. The few that have crossed one have ended up in ribbons. No one really knows how such a small body can fit so much rage.  

Legendary Warriors

There are many warrior races in the Everwoods, but none have as many legends told about of them as the Rata-Rata. Their fighting has been described as a bloody dance of carnage. Their fighting spirit is said to be unwavering, no matter the number of enemies they face. You never want one as your enemy and you would do anything to have one as an ally.  

Mark of fear

When a Rata-Rata gets angry their fur changes color making it look as if its on fire.  


Ability Score Increase +2 Str; +1 Con;
Size Small
Speed 30 ft,. 30 Climbing

Compact Fury

You can use an action to unleash a bloodcurdling war cry and go into a frenzied fury (lasts a minute). In this state you have 10 ft more movement speed (also effect climbing), your claws count as natural melee weapons that deal 1d6 slashing damage, and if you take an attack action, using the claws, you can make another attack with your bonus action. You regain the use of this feature after you complete a short or long rest.

Languages. Common, Rata, Goblin