Plague crafter Ethnicity in URI NANNA | World Anvil

Plague crafter

Venoms, poisons and toxins are abundant in Nergulum. They can be found in the plants, water, air and in a great number of the local creatures. Most people would consider that as a sign of great danger and would stay away. But for others it is a land of great potential. All kinds of venoms and poisons that can only be found here. What unholy cause are they looking to fulfill?

Unholy talent

You are proficient with the poisoner's kit. At first you only know how to make the Trojan gift and a basic Venom. But there is more to be learnt.  

Basic Venom

This venom is applied to a slashing or a piercing weapon. On a hit the target must make a DC 12 constitution saving throw or suffer 1d6 poison damage.  

Trojan Gift

A multi purpose venom that breaks down the bodies defenses. This venom is made by combining the Trojan fungus with a part from the target. By feeding the part to the fungus, it learns to target that species immune system. When struck by it the creature loses it's immunity to the poisoned condition and has it's poison damage immunity reduced to a resistance. If the target is not immune but is resistant then that resistance is removed. This effect lasts for a minute.   

Sheath of venoms

A sheath that could fit a dagger in it. In that sheath lives the Trojan fungus. If a creature's part is fed to it then it forms the appropriate Trojan Gift in the sheath for an hour. After the hour has passed it turns back into regular Trojan fungus.