Plague born Ethnicity in URI NANNA | World Anvil

Plague born

One of the 'lucky' people to have born into the plagued hellscape that is Nergulum. Growing up in a land of endless swamps can never be an easy task. Deadly pools of toxic water at every corner and acidic rain that befalls them regularly. If one of those things hasn't managed to disintegrate you, by the time you first leave your community, then you still have all the poisonous wildlife to deal with. Being raised by paranoid criminals and insane fanatics can't make this any easier ether. But all things considered it's not that bad, at least you will never have an uneventful childhood  and can never grow up boring.

Plagued Existence

Having had regular contact with all sorts of venoms, poisons and acids has tempered your body to a new extreme. You are resistant to poison and acid damage.