Leprechaun culler Ethnicity in URI NANNA | World Anvil

Leprechaun culler

One of the great menaces of the peaks. Leprechauns are small carnivorous creatures that are of no danger to anyone. This is true only when they are alone. They say that when you spot one on a hillside, then the other hundred are have yet to cross the crest. When left alone, a hundred quickly turns into a thousand. Truly a horde of terror and tiny teeth. Some take to hunting them as an effort to prevent that kind of cataclysm from ever happening.  

Cleaving strikeĀ 

You can use an action to make one melee weapon attack with a slashing weapon. On a hit deal dmg as normal and roll a new attack at the next creature in range going in a clockwise direction. Repeat the attack until you miss or reach the original target. You can use this feature again after completing a short or long rest.