Clerics of Uri Nanna Tradition / Ritual in URI NANNA | World Anvil

Clerics of Uri Nanna

In Uri Nanna, clerics do not worship gods, for there are none. Instead, they devote themselves to an aspect of life. THis devotion goes farther than any other, and for that reason is rewarded by the land. This reward is their clerical powers, given to them so that they could uphold their devotion. But these gifts do not last forever and can be lost. If a cleric strays too far from their path they lose their blessing. But none dare pry into the business of the moon, nor its domain of the night.   A cleric of life could most commonly be found at a healer's shack, treating the sick and curing the weak.   A cleric of piece could be met at the eve of war, preventing spark from turning into flames.   A cleric of war might be seen on the battlefield, making sure that that it does not become too onesided or to prevent the war from becoming perverted.   Clerics of knowledge are the most difficult to find, for they seldom live to old age.