News Flash 9 Document in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

News Flash 9

There has been some speculation that this wreck was caused by the Mindwreckers. However, there have been several posts online by people who that claim that they are part of the Mindwreckers and they deny having any involvement with this morning's incident at Westlake Station. For those of you just now tuning in: The derailment occurred at 7:46 AM, which is about the train’s scheduled departure time from the Westlake Station. Eighteen commuters, including some from the train and some waiting to board, have disappeared. Three station workers also appear to be missing. Six more workers, two from the transit company and four from the electric company, also vanished after entering the area to provide assistance after the derailment. Thus far, no one has been reported dead. The injured have not yet been counted. There is an investigation team on site.
Digital Recording, Audio
Authoring Date
Thursday, October 20, 2146


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