Louis Corsone Character in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

Louis Corsone

The Elder Brain - Ralayan

Elder Brain

  The ultimate expression of illithid domination, an elder brain sprawls within a vat of viscous brine, touching the thoughts of creatures near and far. It scrawls upon the canvas of their minds, rewriting their thoughts and authoring their dreams.  

Psychic Infiltrators

When an elder brain infiltrates a mind, it alters the creature’s perception and deceives its senses, causing it to see, hear, touch, taste, or feel reality according to the elder brain’s intent. From across great distances, it implants subconscious suggestions or subtly influences dreams to compel creatures toward a course of action that benefits its grand plan.   When its insidious suggestions fail to take hold, an elder brain asserts its dominance more directly. It seizes control of a resistant mind and controls the creature’s body as it would a puppet. Against the rare, strong-willed stalwart that defies it or attacks it, an elder brain sends a blast of overwhelming psychic force to crush the upstart’s mind, rendering the creature a thoughtless, drooling shell.  

Devourer of Thoughts

An elder brain sustains itself by consuming the brains of other creatures. When the illithid servants that guard and tend to an elder brain don’t bring its meals directly to it, the elder brain reaches out with tendrils of thought, mentally compelling creatures to come to it so that it may feed upon them.   When an illithid perishes, the elder brain’s servants feed the contents of its skull to their master, which absorbs the illithid’s brain and all the knowledge and experience contained therein. In this way the elder brain continually increases its knowledge, uniting the thoughts and experiences of the illithid colony into a unified whole. Illithids conceive of this “oneness” as a sacred state in the same way that a worshiper of a human deity might view an eternal afterlife in the heavens — for an elder brain can evoke the persona of any illithid it has ever absorbed.  

Hive Mind

Non-illithids call this creature an elder brain because it acts as the central communication hub for an entire illithid colony just as a brain does for a living body. Linked to the elder brain, the colony acts like a single organism, acting in concert as if each illithid were the digit of a hand.  

Ego Unhindered

Each elder brain considers itself and its desires the most important things in the multiverse, the illithids in its colony nothing more than extensions of its will. But no two elder brains are alike, and each presides over its colony according to its own unique personality and storehouse of collected knowledge and experience. Some elder brains reign as domineering tyrants, while others serve more benignly as sages, counselors, and repositories of information and lore for the illithids that protect and nourish them.   The ambitions of an elder brain are always tempered by its relative immobility. Although its telepathic senses can reach for miles, moving anywhere is always a dangerous proposition. If forced outside its brine pool, an elder brain will swiftly expire, and transporting an elder brain in its pool through confining and tortuous subterranean tunnels frequently proves difficult or impossible.  

Creature Stat Block

Elder Brain

Mental characteristics

Personal history

They were born in the Shadow Realm as a Ulitharid, a special Illithid that is capable of giving rise to a new colony. They held power, prestige and were the highest favored within the colony. They enjoyed their life. The Elder Brain sent them outside of the colony on a mission. While away from the colony, they were pulled into a Shadow Rift and brought into the Mundane world.   They quickly realized that there was no way back to the Shadow Realm they were pulled from. Surviving meant establishing power and control within this Mundane world. They did this by establishing the Corsone Syndicate. Using psionic abilities and magical items, they were able to pull control from their rivals. They gathered other Shadow Kind around them and used their abilities to their advantage. Over time, the Corsone Syndicate became one of the more powerful criminal organizations in Washington.   Then democracy fell and the governmental infrastructure fell with it. No longer needing to worry about the police, they quickly eliminated their rivals and established order on Bainbridge Island. They informally controlled the region during the Era of chaos. But with the rise of Corporatocracy, they realized that it was time to make their control formal.    Soon after establishing the Corsone Syndicate as the formal government of the island, they felt that their time was coming to an end and knew that they needed to establish a colony if there was going to be any Illithid control within this Mundane world. Once they had become the Elder Brain, they began the process of building a new Illithid colony.    They had the Boss Estate built at the center of the island. Underneath this estate, a Illithid colony has been built. It is here that the illithids live and the Elder Brain has established his lair. From here, they can reach the entire island with their telepathic abilities.

Gender Identity

Asexual. But while living as Louis Corsone, they took on a male identity.


They are the reproductive individual for the colony, producing eggs about every 30 years.


They learn from consuming the brains of intelligent creatures and through the activities of their Illithids.

Intellectual Characteristics

  • They are curious about how other races live and how their societies function.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Knowledge. All information is of value. (Neutral)
  • Obedience. Nothing is more important than following orders. (Lawful)
  • Domination. All others should submit to my control. (Evil)

Personality Characteristics


Their primary goal is to establish a strong and powerful Illithid colony in the Mundane world with the long term goal of Illithids one day ruling this world.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Caution - judiciousness in avoiding harm or danger
  • Conscientiousness - the trait of being painstaking and careful
  • Determination - the quality of being driven to do or achieve something; firmness of purpose
  • Foresight - providence by virtue of planning prudently for the future

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Arrogance - the act of feeling or showing self-importance and contempt or disregard for others
  • Egoism - the practice of making personal welfare and interests a primary or sole concern, sometimes at the expense of others
  • Extremism - the holding of radical political or religious views or the taking of extreme actions on the basis of those views
  • Manipulative - using clever, devious ways to control or influence somebody or something



Beginning Friday, June 24, 2050, they have been ruling as the Boss of Bainbridge Island. Since Sunday, April 23, 2051 they have been the Elder Brain of the colony. As the Elder Brain, they rules in a fairly benign fashion. They have taken on the role of the sage and counselor to the Underboss. They only assert their dominance in times of urgent need to protect the colony. Otherwise, they allow their people a great degree of freedom. They prefer to serve the colony in a quieter fashion, as a repository of information and lore for the Illithids that protect and nourish them.

Family Ties

All the Illithids within the colony are their children. Since many of the other creatures within Bainbridge are thralls of their children, they have come to consider these creatures as an extension of their family.

Religious Views

They are a follower of Ilsensine.

Wealth & Financial state

The Illithids within the colony ensure that their needs are always being met. However, they do not collect material things nor utilize the monetary wealth of Bainbridge. They have no need foe such things.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Boss, Elder Brain
Year of Birth
1948 199 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Was an Ulitharid
Shadow Realm
Current Residence
Elder Brain Lair
The Church of Ilsensine
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
understands Common, Deep Speech, Undercommon, English and Spanish but can’t speak, telepathy 5 miles
Founded Settlements
Ruled Locations


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