Drike Character in Urban Arcana | World Anvil


Jilnpel Lexi (a.k.a. Drike)

The most common performer in Goblin Nook. She is a storyteller.

Physical Description

Body Features

Winged Kobolds. 

A few kobolds are born with leathery wings and can fly. Known as urds, they like to lurk on high ledges and drop rocks on passersby. Although the urds’ wings are seen as gifts from Tiamat, the Dragon Queen, wingless kobolds are envious of those gifts and don’t get along with the urds.   Drike is an Urd. She resents that the other Kobolds generally don't like her simply for how she was born. But she knows that this is driven by jealousy and that she has been blessed with great abilities and has a great purpose to fulfill for her people. One day, she knows she will be remembered by her people in their stories.

Special abilities

Arcana +10, History +15 (for the Shadow Realm), History +10 (for the Mundane World), Performance +15

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like most of the Shadow Kind, she was pulled through the Shadow Rift and into the Mundane world. She has done her best to find herself a new way of life within this new world, but has struggled with the strangeness of this place. This has led her to feeling more connected to the stories of her people and the stories of the Shadow Realm which she now collects.


She has no formal education, but she has spent much of her time teaching herself to read and write various different languages so that she can better gather the Shadow Kind stories.


She now works as a story teller at the Goblin Nook where she shares all the stories that she has learned. This has also become a great place for her to learn new stories from other Shadow Kind who are visiting the tavern.

Morality & Philosophy

Nothing is as important as keeping the stories of the Shadow Realm alive. It is important to piece together everything that can be in order to get a bigger sense of the whole place that they left behind. These stories will tell them who they are and what their people valued. They might also hold the secrets needed to some day return to the Shadow Realm.

Personality Characteristics


She seeks to collect all the stories she can from the Shadow Realm, believing that piecing all this information together will give them what is needed to return to the Shadow Realm.
Lawful Evil
Current Status
working at Goblin Nook
Current Location
Year of Birth
2120 27 Years old
Shadow Realm
Current Residence
Onureth Taoul
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
blue scales
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Draconic, Goblin, English, Elven, Orc
Character Prototype


Author's Notes

Character items created with Hero Forge.

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