Chaotic Good Alignment in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

Chaotic Good Alignment

Chaotic Good characters do what their conscience tells them to for the greater good. They do not care about following society’s rules, they care about doing what’s right. A Chaotic Good character will speak up for, and help, those who are being needlessly controlled because of arbitrary rules and laws. They do not like seeing people being told what to do for nonsensical reasons. A Chaotic Good character does not trust the legal system to protect Good people and bring Evil people to justice. These characters will break the rules to do what’s right and may rebel against authority try to bring about societal change. Chaotic Good characters may appear strange to others because they do not abide by societal expectations to fit in.   On the negative side, the actions of Chaotic Good characters can be at odds with other Good people. For example, a Chaotic Good character will not respect the success of Lawful Good people if that success was earned within a societal system that the Chaotic Good character believes is damaging to people. A Chaotic Good character may seek to bring down that system even if that will negatively affect other Good people. The rebellious path is a balancing act. They struggle with not causing others harm while ensuring that those same people maintain their freedom.   Other Chaotic Good characters are not so rebellious. They do not like rules and authority, however, they do not seek to change it. They are happy enough if the system just leaves them alone. The less they have to do with it, the better. This type of character may be a wandering bard who is completely free to travel the world spreading Good with their music.   Chaotic Good characters will only work with authorities if they absolutely have to. This is for two reasons. The first is that they don’t believe organized society does the most Good for people and the world, and secondly, it’s because they want to do things because they choose to, not because they are told to.


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