Blood Seekers Item in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

Blood Seekers

Home Brew

Blood Seekers


Legendary requires attunement by a creature proficient with one-handed small arms

This weapon is a pair of one-handed small arms (pistols) that must be used together in order to benefit from their effects. These pistols are a sentient weapon. Each clip holds 10 rounds.


  • Intelligence 14
  • Wisdom 12
  • Charisma 13


The item can speak, read and understand common and gnoll.  


Hearing and normal vision out to 30 feet.


True Neutral

Rather than choosing the path which they feel they should take according to society or laws, they can make up their own mind. What they choose is likely to be driven by their own personal motivations. They usually side with whichever decision they will gain the most from. Generally, a True Neutral will follow the rules and favor Good over Evil, but only because it makes their life easier and they may be rewarded for it, not because they are obliged to by their morals or ethics. A True Neutral character takes a very balanced view of relationships. They will show respect to people who respect them, harm those who harm them, and be kind to those who show them kindness. This means they will help and defend their allies, and hinder and take out bad guys. If someone is in need and they don’t know them, a True Neutral character will weigh up if helping them is worth it or not. In their everyday life, they don’t get involved in the lives and business of people they don’t know.

Special Purpose

Glory Seeker: The item seeks renown as the greatest magic item in the world, by establishing its user as a famous or notorious figure.


A sentient item has a will of its own, shaped by its personality and alignment. If its wielder acts in a manner opposed to the item’s alignment or purpose, conflict can arise. When such a conflict occurs, the item makes a Charisma check contested by the wielder’s Charisma check. If the item wins the contest, it makes one or more of the following demands:
  • The item insists on being carried or worn at all times.
  • The item demands that its wielder dispose of anything the item finds repugnant.
  • The item demands that its wielder pursue the item’s goals to the exclusion of all other goals.
  • The item demands to be given to someone else.
If its wielder refuses to comply with the item’s wishes, the item can do any or all of the following:  
  • Make it impossible for its wielder to attune to it.
  • Suppress one or more of its activated properties.
  • Attempt to take control of its wielder.
If a sentient item attempts to take control of its wielder, the wielder must make a Charisma saving throw, with a DC equal to 12 + the item’s Charisma modifier. On a failed save, the wielder is charmed by the item for 1d12 hours. While charmed, the wielder must try to follow the item’s commands. If the wielder takes damage, it can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Whether the attempt to control its user succeeds or fails, the item can’t use this power again until the next dawn.

Minor Beneficial Properties

  • While attuned to the artifact, you can’t be charmed or frightened.
  • While attuned to the artifact, you gain a +1 bonus to Armor Class.
  • While attuned to the artifact, you gain proficiency in perception.
  • While attuned to the artifact, you can use its vision in place of your own and it can see through your vision in addition to its own.

Major Beneficial Properties


This weapon assists in aiming and firing and can even make a secondary attack if the first one misses. As many times a day as your attack attribute bonus, you can either have advantage on the attack roll or miss the initial attack and make a second attack as a free action at the beginning of your next turn using that same round of ammunition (the weapon magically produces another round and takes another shot for you).

Lock On

You can spend your attack action to lock on to a target. The target must be in line of sight and within range of the weapon to establish the lock. This lock is lost if you lose line of sight, the target moves out of range or moves within 5 feet of you.   After you lock on a target, you can spend an additional attack action to lock on additional rounds. Your second action locks 2 additional rounds (total 3 rounds). Your third action locks an additional 2 rounds (total 5 rounds). The maximum locked on rounds is 5 and requires 3 attack actions to become fully locked on.   As long as you are locked onto your target, you can use your bonus action to fire the weapon at the locked on target. This expends 1 round of ammo per locked on round. This is considered an attack action, but hits automatically (no roll). All the locked on rounds are fired together as a single attack. Each round does 1d6 plus your attack attribute bonus and proficiency bonus. in psychic damage. Once the locked on target has been fired, you must then reacquire a new lock.

Minor Detrimental Properties

  • While attuned to the artifact, you must consume at least 8 ounces of raw meat every day. Not doing so results in you becoming unattuned to the item.
  • While you are attuned to the artifact, other creatures can’t take short or long rests while within 300 feet of you. If they try to rest, it sends them images of rending fleshing and running blood.

Major Detrimental Properties

Force of Will

You take 8d10 psychic damage when you become attuned to the artifact.

Pay in Blood

Before using one of the artifact’s major beneficial properties, you must use a bonus action to draw blood from yourself using a small spur on the handle of the weapon. The subject takes 1d4 piercing damage.

Type Damage Damage Range
None 1d6 Piercing 50/250

Cost: Priceless
Weight: 6#

Current Holder


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