5. The Four Elements in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

5. The Four Elements

Touching the door to this room reduces the stone door to sand. The room is oddly shaped with 2 pillars and a stone door that leads out to the east. There is writing on one of the pillars. The door has a chalk board with a piece of chalk tie to a string that dangles next to it.
The riddle on the pillar:
There are four elements: air, earth, fire and water. Each is of a different size: tiny, small, medium, and large. Each has its favorite race to toy with: goblins, kobolds, sprites and wolves. The earth elemental is bored with sprites and wolves. Neither the air nor water elementals are of medium size. The tiny elemental won't go near goblins or sprites. The large elemental is not of earth or air. The small fire elemental likes to see kobolds run in fear. Which creature is the favorite creature of the large elemental?There are four elements: air, earth, fire and water. Each is of a different size: tiny, small, medium, and large. Each has its favorite race to toy with: goblins, kobolds, sprites and wolves. The earth elemental is bored with sprites and wolves. Neither the air nor water elementals are of medium size. The tiny elemental won't go near goblins or sprites. The large elemental is not of earth or air. The small fire elemental likes to see kobolds run in fear. Which creature is the favorite creature of the large elemental?
Once they write "Sprite" on the chalk board, the door crumbles away into sand.   If they write the incorrect answer on the chalk board, the door will crumble away to sand, but will reveal an empty space. They will not get a reward. Nor will they receive any points with the Eldarin.
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