37. Will You Sacrifice? in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

37. Will You Sacrifice?

This room features three humanoid statues. Each statue has their right arm extended with the palm of their hand facing downward. There are doors in the eastern and southern walls. There are 2 pedestals that are 2 feet tall in the northern part of the room. The pedestal on the eastern side is decorated with several red hand prints. On the wall above the pedestal is written: "What will you give up for the freedom of another?"


To open the doors in Room 37 a living creature with a stone hand must press into the top of the platform with the bloody hand prints. One of the characters will need to flatten their hand and place it into the pedestal of the blood in room 35. This will cause their hand to turn to stone. The Stone Hand can then be placed on the pedestal in room 37. Once this stoned hand is applied, the doors will open.
  • XP Earned if successful with the puzzle: 3,900

If they solved the puzzle, they will receive one point with the Eladrin. Keep track of the party's score as they go along. At the completion of each challenge, their score will be announced by the ringing of a bell for each point they have earned.   In the chest: There is a single bottle that is marked "for those who sacrificed." It will restore the hand to normal.
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