20. The Dragon Door in Urban Arcana | World Anvil

20. The Dragon Door

Three stone steps lead up into this square room. Two pillars stand in the southern part of the room. There is a plain stone door to the north and an elaborate door to the east. This is a heavy oaken door bound with steel and set in an intricate stone door frame. It is the frame that is of particular interest, for it is formed in the image of five identical dragons. There are two dragons curled up to the door on each side while the fifth rests across the top. Each of the dragons is of the same dull granite and each has an empty eye socket. All of the beasts seem to be peering outward as if waiting for something. You notice that there is a row of five gems in the pillar nearest the door: a black opal, an emerald, a pearl, a ruby and a sapphire. The stones seem to be the same size as the empty eye sockets.
Inscribed upon the door:
At the top of the door it reads: "We can be made to see our way to let you pass." "I keep the opal near me, but wear it not."   On the upper left hand side of the door it reads: "Opal does not look up to ruby."   On the upper right hand side of the door it reads: "The pearl rests not on the right side."   On the lower left hand side of the door it reads: "The ruby rests not on the left."   On the lower right hand side of the door it reads: "Ruby and sapphire reside higher than emerald."   Each inscription is written next to one of the dragon heads.
To appease the stone dragons, each must be given the correct stone. As these stone carvings represent the evil chromatic dragons they will react badly if given the wrong stone, as if gravely insulted.


  • Top dragon is blue and gets the sapphire
  • The upper left dragon is black and gets the opal.
  • The upper right dragon is red and gets the ruby.
  • The lower left dragon is white and gets the pearl.
  • The lower right dragon is green and gets the emerald.

Making an Error

If a dragon is given the wrong gem, it will attack with its breath weapon hitting anyone in the two squares directly in front of the door. This will also serve as another clue to an observant party as the breath weapon employed will reveal the dragon's color. Top dragon is blue and breaths lightning

Lightning Blast

4d8 lightning damage, Dex saving throw DC 15 for half Upper left dragon is Black and breaths acid

Acid Stream

4d4 acid damage, Dex saving throw DC 15 for half. Upper right dragon is red and breaths fire

Flame Jet

4d10 fire damage, Dex saving throw DC 15 for half. Lower left dragon is white and breaths cold

Frost Ray

2d6 cold damage, Dex saving throw DC 15 for half

Moving Gems

If a player moves a gem that is incorrect, the dragon gives no response. However, if a player attempts to remove a gem that is in the proper location, it will attack with its breath weapon.

Opening the Door

Once all five stones are placed, the doors in the room will crumble away to sand. However, they will only get the reward in room 21 if they had the stones in the correct position when the door crumbled. Making errors prior to that does not matter.   They will receive a point for if they had the gems in the correct position when the door opened, errors prior to that do not matter. Keep track of the party's score as they go along. At the completion of each challenge, their score will be announced by the ringing of a bell for each point they have earned.
  • XP Earned if successful with the puzzle: 3,900

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Lightning Blast Token

Acid Stream Token

Flame Jet Token

Frost Ray Token


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