The Masquerade Building / Landmark in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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The Masquerade

Sphere: Divine   Also known as the Hall of Small Gods. A vast underground cavern which connects to all the major deep cathedrals of the The Cathedral Catacombs. Richly adorned in silks, full of incense and soft red light. Nooks and hollow spaces in the walls hold the idols of a million petty gods. Any spirit or deity too small for a larger worship space is kept here.   Revelers meet here in masks to celebrate and worship the countless small gods of the multiverse. They also meet to indulge secret vices, like Stargunk.  

The Beggar's Banquet

  Several faiths are assisting in the construction of this great banquet hall. Once completed, the hall will provide food to all those who cannot feed themselves. This is an ambitious project in the early stages, started with funds from Master Zulias Osmanali-Perditi, Spokesperson of the Conclave of Cinders. The project currently lacks a central leader and needs more direction and funds to continue.
Cathedral / Great temple
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