Middle Class (Culture) Ethnicity in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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Middle Class (Culture)

Sphere: Global   The Middle class of Ur fill the ranks of the Orders, professionals, merchants and academics. The city has a very large and socially mobile middle class (mobile within their class at any rate).  


Middle class families give their children a birth name, as working class families do (although different names are common), but they also gain a professional name - a noun - when they start their professional training. Between overlaps between professions, local traditions and the origins being lost to time, it's impossible to match a professional name to a person's profession.   Masculine First Names: Abe, Abel, Abner, Abraham, Abram, Adam, Adelbert, Admiral, Adolphus, Alberto, Albin, Alden, Alec, Alford, Allie, Alois, Alonza, Aloysius, Alpha, Alton, Alva, Alvah, Alvie, Alvin, Alvis, Amos, Angus, Ansel, Anson, Antone, Arch, Arley, Armand, Art, Arvid, Asa, August, Avery, Axel, Bailey, Barton, Baxter, Bennett, Benton, Bernhart, Bertie, Bishop, Blaine, Booker, Boyd, Bryant, Buford, Burl, Burrell, Burton, Caleb, Carlton, Chauncey, Cicero, Claud, Clay, Cleo, Cleve, Clifford, Clifton, Colonel, Conrad, Corbett, Coy, Curley, Cyrus, Dale, Dalton, Damon, Dayton, Dee, Delmar, Dewey, Dewitt, Doc, Dorsey, Dow, Doyle, Duke, Earl, Earnest, Elbert, Elder, Eldon, Eldridge, Eli, Elias, Ellwood, Emmet, Enoch, Ephraim, Ezekiel, Fate, Fay, Fitzhugh, Foster, Freeman, Garnett, Garrett, Gene, General, Geo, Glover, Golden, Green, Grover, Gust, Hamp, Harlan, Harper, Harve, Haskell, Heber, Helmer, Hiram, Hobart, Hobert, Hollis, Hunter, Ignacio, Isham, Ivory, Jose, Judge, Judson, Jule, Julius, Junius, King, Lamar, Lambert, Larkin, Laverne, Leigh, Leland, Lem, Lew, Lon, Loyal, Lucien, Lyman, Mahlon, Major, Marshall, Mason, Maxwell, Maynard, Meyer, Miller, Milo, Minnie, Minor, Mont, Myron, Nels, Newell, Newt, Noble, Nolan, Odell, Odis, Ole, Ora, Oren, Orion, Otha, Parker, Peyton, Pierce, Porter, Preston, Prince, Reid, Rene, Rex, Roe, Rolla, Rowland, Royal, Ruel, Rush, Saul, Shelton, Silas, Sim, Sol, Squire, Sumner, Thad, Theron, Tobe, Troy, Van, Vance, Vaughn, Vester, Wade, Waverly, Webb, Webster, Weldon, Wilber, Worth   Feminine First Names: Ada, Adelia, Adella, Aileen, Aimee, Albina, Alda, Alene, Alicia, Alma, Alta, Althea, Alvina, Alyce, Anita, Annis, Ara, Ardella, Arie, Arline, Arrie, Audra, Aurelia, Aurora, Avis, Besse, Bethel, Beula, Blanche, Bulah, Callie, Cecilia, Celeste, Celestine, Celina, Charity, Clora, Cora, Coral, Corda, Della, Delma, Dessie, Dewey, Docia, Dovie, Ebba, Eda, Electa, Elmira, Elna, Elvina, Erie, Essie, Fae, Faith, Faye, Flora, Garnett, Gena, Golda, Golden, Grace, Helma, Hester, Honora, Hope, Icie, Ida, Ila, Iona, Isa, Jewell, Kittie, Lacy, Lala, Lavada, Laverne, Lea, Leatha, Leda, Lenna, Leola, Leona, Letha, Lida, Lorena, Lorene, Lovina, Lue, Luella, Luetta, Luna, Mae, Maye, Myra, Myrl, Myrle, Nena, Neta, Nita, Nola, Nona, Nova, Ocie, Odelia, Ola, Orpha, Paralee, Prudence, Queen, Rae, Reba, Rosa, Rose, Rosetta, Ruby, Salome, Selina, Sena, Thea, Thora, Tilda, Valeria, Vena, Verda, Verona, Viva, Wanda, Wilda, Yetta, Zelia, Zella, Zola, Zora   Professional Names: Aegis, Angel, Arrow, Ash, Azure, Ballista, Barb, Beauty, Blaze, Blesse, Blight, Blink, Blitz, Brass, Brook, Cat, Charm, Cloud, Clover, Comet, Cover, Crisis, Critter, Crux, Curse, Dagger, Dash, Dawn, Death, Destiny, Diamond, Dove, Ebony, Echo, Eclipse, Enigma, Envy, Essence, Fable, Fae, Faith, Faze, Feather, Feline, Fetch, Figment, Flair, Flame, Flow, Flower, Flux, Fortune, Gem, Ghost, Glitch, Gloom, Grimace, Haze, Hex, Hope, Huntress, Hush, Ivory, Jewel, Jinx, Karma, Kindle, Kiss, Lash, Light, Locus, Lore, Lotus, Lullaby, Luna, Mace, Mime, Mirage, Mischief, Misery, Mist, Mockingbird, Moon, Morose, Mouse, Myth, Nebula, Night, Nightshade, Nil, Numen, Oracle, Paradox, Peach, Pearl, Penumbra, Phantasma, Pickle, Primrose, Pyro, Queen, Quest, Quill, Rags, Rain, Raven, Riddle, Robin, Rogue, Rumor, Rush, Sabre, Sage, Scarf, Scotch, Scratch, Serenity, Shade, Shadow, Shepherd, Silence, Silver, Slice, Smile, Snare, Snowflake, Spark, Sparkle, Sparrow, Sphinx, Spice, Sprite, Squint, Starlight, Storm, Stranger, Thistle, Tide, Tigress, Trace, Trickster, Twilight, Twinkle, Umbra, Veil, Vex, Virtue, Vision, Web, Whisper, Wish, Witch, Zero  

Example Names

Alberto Cloud, Roxie Gem, Victoria Spark, Sampson Fae

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