House Withers Model Village Settlement in Ur, The Nexus City | World Anvil
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House Withers Model Village

This settlement within the Nest was recently finished construction. It sits just a little off Two Cart Road, close by to The Grand Ur Pavillion.
It consists of a warehouse, a small goods factory and community vegetable farm. There is also accommodation for the workers (far above usual Nest standards) and some outward facing shops to sell excess produce. A large House Withers crest along with a symbol of a black cat is hung over the main gate.
The small goods produced in the factory are then sold on to pay the workers and help fund the maintenance of the facilities and homes.
Due to the promise of work and accommodation, it didn't take long to fill the spots in this village, which seems to be operating well.
Rumours abound that Mute Wicked watches over the place, which would account for why House Withers would be allowed to operate the place within the Nest.
Alternative Name(s)
Fancy Pants Town
Location under
Owning Organization

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