Hector Ironsurge Character in Untold Tales | World Anvil
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Hector Ironsurge

Hector Ironsurge

Former adventurer, current Ebonmere Town Council member, and owner/operator of The Butchered Boar tavern.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Thin scar running from the corner of his left eye, down over his jaw, and along his throat.

Mental characteristics


Owner/Operator of The Butchered Boar, the tavern at the center of the town of Ebonmere.

Mental Trauma

Failed to save his wife from the Sleeping Death despite his best efforts.


Hector Ironsurge

Father (Vital)

Towards Loralle Ironsurge


Loralle Ironsurge

Daughter (Important)

Towards Hector Ironsurge



Loralle is the daughter of Hector and Ezabell Ironsurge.

Relationship Reasoning

Familial father and daughter

Hector Ironsurge

Husband (Vital)

Towards Ezabell Ironsurge


Ezabell Ironsurge

Wife (Vital)

Towards Hector Ironsurge



Hector rescued Ezabell from the bandits that killed her father, fell in love, and gave up adventuring for her.

Relationship Reasoning


Hector Ironsurge

Former Adventuring Party Member (Important)

Towards Krumman Stonehammer


Krumman Stonehammer

Former Adventuring Party Member (Important)

Towards Hector Ironsurge



Hector, Krumman, and Sidel were an adventuring party in their younger years doing the normal saving of damsels and slaying of monsters. One day they saved a young merchant's daughter by the name of Ezabell and things changed. Hector was smitten and was less and less interested in adventuring, more interested in his visits with her between adventures. When Hector decided he wanted to propose to Ezabell he got the blessing from his brothers in arms who decided they all would retire from an adventurers life and settle down in the village of Ebonmere.

Relationship Reasoning

The Red Boars

Shared Acquaintances

Sidel Mestivi

Hector Ironsurge

Former Adventuring Party Member (Important)

Towards Sidel Mestivi


Sidel Mestivi

Former Adventuring Party Member (Important)

Towards Hector Ironsurge



Hector, Krumman, and Sidel were an adventuring party in their younger years doing the normal saving of damsels and slaying of monsters. One day they saved a young merchant's daughter by the name of Ezabell and things changed. Hector was smitten and was less and less interested in adventuring, more interested in his visits with her between adventures. When Hector decided he wanted to propose to Ezabell he got the blessing from his brothers in arms who decided they all would retire from an adventurers life and settle down in the village of Ebonmere.

Relationship Reasoning

The Red Boars

Shared Acquaintances

Krumman Stonehammer

Character Location
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Current Location
Year of Birth
1451 41 Years old
Current Residence
Coal black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization
Related Plots
Ruled Locations

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  • 1475

    12 /2

    The Red Boars settle in Ebonmere
    Life, Relocation

    The Red Boars adventuring party settles down in Ebonmere as Hector and Ezabell marry.

    Additional timelines
  • 1476

    23 /2

    Became a father
    Life, Milestone

    Loralle is born to Hector and Ezabell.

  • 1487

    2 /4

    Death of Ezabell
    Life, Death

    Ezabell succumbs to The Sleeping Death in her daughter's arms, forever being removed from the lives of Loralle and Hector.

  • 1487


    The Red Boars assume leadership
    Political event

    After Hector's new Blood Boar Stew recipe helps improve the vitality of the villagers allowing them to survive the Sleeping Death, the former Red Boar adventurers get voted in as the new town council.

    Additional timelines
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