Dr. Park Ji-Hoon Character in Universal Souls | World Anvil
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Dr. Park Ji-Hoon

Dr. Ji-Hoon Park

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He makes an effort to incorporate regular exercise into his routine to stay active and maintain his body. He also prioritizes proper nutrition and hydration to fuel his body and support his busy lifestyle.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Driven by his passion for gaming and technology, Ji-Hoon excelled academically, graduating with top honors from one of Seoul's prestigious engineering universities (Seoul National University). During his studies, he distinguished himself as a brilliant programmer and visionary thinker, earning recognition for his innovative projects and research in the field of virtual reality.   After completing his education, Ji-Hoon embarked on a career in the tech industry, working for leading companies in South Korea's burgeoning gaming sector. However, he soon realizes that he wanted to pursue his own vision and make a mark on the industry in his own way.   In 2020, at the age of 28, Ji-Hoon founded Starzone Gaming with the goal of creating immersive and groundbreaking gaming experiences that would push the boundaries of VR. Drawing upon his expertise in programming and his passion for gaming, he assembled a talented team of developers, designers, and engineers to bring his vision to life.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Founding Starzone Gaming
  • Pioneering VR Technology
  • Contributing to Research and Development

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Communication Missteps
  • Technological Issues
  • Poor Recepion of a Game (Nebula Rift)

Mental Trauma

During Ji-Hoon's childhood, he had shared a deep bond with a close friend who played a significant role in shaping his passion for gaming and technology. This individual served as a source of inspiration for Ji-Hoon, encouraging his interest in computers, video games, and virtual reality.   However, tragedy strikes when his frind is involved in a fatal car accident, leaving Ji-Hoon devastated and struggling to cope with the loss. The traumatic event shattered his sense of security and stability, triggering intense feelings of grief, guilt, and existential uncertainty.   Ji-Hoon experiences symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), such as intrusive memories, nightmares, and flashbacks related to the traumatic event. He also struggles with feelings of survivor's guilt, questioning whe he was spared while his friend was taken from him.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Visionary Leadership
  • Technological Innovation
  • Creative Problem-Solving
  • Strategic Planning
  • Industry Networking
  • Adaptability
  • Micromanagement
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Communication Challenges
  • Time Management

Personality Quirks

  • Tech Enthusiast: He is always seen with the latest gadgets and tech accessories, whether it's a high-end Vr headset, a cutting-edge smartphone, or a sleek smartwatch.
  • Coffee Connoisseur: He has a deep appreciation for coffee and can often be found with a freshly brewed cup in hand.
  • Game References: He peppers his conversations with references to popular games, movies, and pop culture phenomena, using analogies and metaphors drawn from gaming to illustrate his point.


Contacts & Relations

Ji-Hoon maintains relationships with other industry leaders and executives in the gaming and technology sectors, collaborating on joint ventures, strategic partnerships, and industry initiatives.   He also engages with the gaming community through social media, gaming conventions, and online forums, interacting with players, fans, and enthusiasts to gather feedback, build relationships, and foster a sense of community around Starzone Gaming's titles.

Family Ties

  • Parents: Park Kyung-Soo (father, 66), Lee Soo-Jin (mother, 64)
  • Siblings: Park Ji-Sung (oldest brother, 40), Park Ji-Min (middle brother, 36)
  • Grandparents: Park Seong-Hwa (paternal grandfather, 89), Kim Mi-Sook (paternal grandmother/deceased), Lee Jae-Ho (maternal grandfather/deceased), Choi Hye-Sook (maternal grandmother/deceased)
  • Extended Family: Kim Eun-Ji (Park Ji-Sung's wife, 38), Park Min-Woo (Park Ji-Sung's son, 14), Park Seo-Jun (Park Ji-Sung's son, 11), Park Soo-Jin (Park Ji-Sung's daughter, 9), Park Min-Ho (Park Ji-Sung's son, 7), Lee Ji-Hye (Park Ji-Min's wife, 35), Park Hye-Jin (Park Ji-Min's daughter, 6)


  • Pacing: When deep in thought or contemplating a decision, Ji-hoon may pace back and forth, using movement as a way to stimulate his thinking and creativity. His pacing is rhythmic and purposeful, reflecting his dynamic and energetic nature.
  • Focused Attention: When engaged in a conversation or task, Ji-hoon demonstrates focused attention and concentration, blocking out distractions and giving his full presence to the moment. His focused demeanor conveys his commitment and dedication to achieving excellence in everything he does.


Ji-hoon's speech is infused with passion and enthusiasm, reflecting his deep love for gaming and technology. He speaks with energy and excitement, engaging his audience and igniting their enthusiasm for his vision.

Wealth & Financial state

His wealth is in the range of billions of KRW.
Neutral Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Industry Visionary
  • Innovation Award Winner
Date of Birth
July 10, 1992
Seoul, South Korea
Current Residence
Seoul, South Korea
Natural black, dyes it blonde
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"The future of gaming is limitless, and we're just getting started."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Korean, English, Japanese, Mandarin


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