Tower of Uskeche Building / Landmark in Undinia | World Anvil
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Tower of Uskeche

An old ruined tower sits on the northwestern cliffs of Elysia, overlooking the Gem Sea. Remnants of Elven design mark the outside of the tower, most however, have been lost to time. The tower   [H1]Layout Situated in a grove of trees the tower itself is a sixty-foot cylindrical design with a flat roof, though it is unknown if this is actually the roof or was another floor. On the second floor, about a third of the way up, a stone bridge comes out of the tower to a floating half-sphere.

First floor

On the door outside the tower is the symbol of a flaming shield, this leads into a large circular room with the rubble from a shrine at the far end. Two sets of stairs circle the edge of the tower up to the next floor, the left one having semi-collapsed by the Chroma age. In the center of the room stands a suit of armor wielding a greatsword, though is motionless the majority of the time, it will come to life to defend the tower.

Second floor

Seeming covered in rubble, the second floor has three statues guarding it. A door leads to the bridge outside the tower while a single staircase leads upstairs.

Highpriestess room

On the other side of the bridge on the second floor, in the floating room is a bedroom/library. This is the quarters of the old high priestess to Uskeche, who still inhabits the room as a ghost. While modern knowledge is lacking, her knowledge of the island before the draconic empire is vast.

third floor and roof

An empty room with several holes in the walls and roof, the room seems empty, the roof is a flat floor where harpies and other large birds often nest.
Mid to Late Ancient Era
Founding Date
Early Ancient Era
Alternative Names
Ancient tower of Elysia
Tower, Guard


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