The silent fury and drowned forsaken Myth in Undinia | World Anvil
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The silent fury and drowned forsaken

Long ago, back when the silent lake suffered storms, a sea captain ignored the advice of the warnings and set sail in a huge storm, his quartermaster leaving his daughter behind. As the days passed and with no sign of the ship, the young girl hired a ship herself to find him. Once out of port the crew took all the passengers as slaves and chained them in the hold. Some virus was contracted by the slaves, killing all of them. The girl now haunts the silent lake, buying passage onto ships, those who treat her well have a safe voyage, but those who don't encounter a ghost ship with an undead drowned crew, to punish evil crews.

Historical Basis

While no historical record of this exists, ships are found every so often in the silent lake completely abandoned. It is also rumored that Grunkle's angels encountered the girl and ship.


A popular ghost story around the silent lake

Variations & Mutation

The still death is an older version of this myth that is still told.
Date of First Recording
12 Rapha 122 Fey
Date of Setting


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