Ptapthoul Settlement in Undinia | World Anvil
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The ancient town of Ptapthoul is known as the meeting of worlds. situated at the southern base of the Dragon Teeth mountains, it is better described as two villages and a Dwarf hall than a single town. Each of these elements, though has its own allegiances, works together as a whole creating a stringer whole.   First founded in the ancient era, it was originally a small draconic village on the edge of the mountains, providing for Pailron's lair. It wasn't long after this that a small dwarf hall was founded as a trading post with the draconic empire. As trade grew, the two villages didn't grow in size themselves, but an interconnected large inn and stable complex was built.   This all shut down during the Phervian era, with the Dwarfs sealing the mountains while the draconic races retreated to the lair. The small size allowed the area to be left undiscovered for the entire era, only coming back onto the map during the Slave revolts. Siding with the blessed planes, the area was quickly settled by Motto and Bailey to protect a new Ork village. Throughout the era of ages, the small settlement acted as a watch post for the south, and despite its strategic position never expanded beyond the small villages.  

The Lair

Pailron's lair is the central part of the entire settlement. Built behind the waterfall, with a hidden tunnel through the rocks, it quickly opens up into a large great hall with four passageways coming off of it. The first of these leads to the dwarf hall, with heavy stone doors and a drawbridge on both sides. This allows trade straight into the lair without having to go outside. The second passageway leads to a small guard barracks, armory, and training room, where Pailron's personal guard stays, a second set of rooms also comes off this passage where the kobolds that upkeep the lair stay. The third leads to store rooms for the lair, as well as underground farms to help supply the lair in troubled times as well. The final passage leads to Pailron's personal quarters and includes a sleeping room, his horde room, and a passage down to his forge, lying deep underground, though this is only accessible through a flooded passage.  

The Draconic village

Built on the east side of the plunge pool, the village is a simple network of stone houses with farms in between them. a Tavern stands as a central point with a market around it. Though smaller than other greatwyrm settlements, it fits with Pailron's more basic needs in comparison with his siblings. A large inn complex stands next to a door into the mountain. This complex has a more basic inn on one side of the complex with a more upscale one on the other. It also contains a stable, granary, and basic carpenter.  

Goldbeard halls

The Dwarven halls of the Goldbeard clan, a simple small clan hall, mostly built of underground farms and a mine. A main clan house stands in the middle with the hall guard station in a barracks by the center. A drawbridge to the side stands over a wide fissure, leading to a stone door on the far side. The entrance outside is marked by a large stone door to the east of the waterfall.  

Akoomite village

Originally built as a mote and bailey in between the splitting rivers, the Orks did major earthworks to build up a raised area with water on all sides just below the plunge pool. As time went on it was more turned into a single settlement. The town has a small fort at the north end, centered around a watch tower, with barracks, an armory, and a blacksmith around the edge. The village itself is surrounded by a palisade with various workers within.    

Geopolitcal position

Each part owes its loyalty to the town leader, The Justicar mayor for the Akoomites, Pailron for the Draconics, And the clan elder for the Dwarves. This divide is made even bigger by the fact the Dwarves owe their allegiance to the Under Empire, which Pailron's lair is also part of, while the Draconic and Akoomite villages are part of the Empire of Akoom at first, and later the Divine Empire. The entire section however, as agreed by all parties is under the direct administration of Pailron, who owes his fealty to Undinia, and the council of Greatwryms, allowing the settlements to do whats best for themselves and not the fickle lords.
Founding Date
Ancient Era
Patron gods
Dwarf hall - Thurdrak Hammerhand
Draconic Village - Draconic god of the forge
Akoomite Village - Akoom


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