Prelude to the battle of Voidcape Prose in Undinia | World Anvil
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Prelude to the battle of Voidcape

Dusk settled over the wooden structures of Voidcape as soldiers rush to build up barricades at the entrances to the swamp. The old elf looked at the 'citizens' still going about their business as if nothing strange was happening. Refugee tents covered every available space that didn't block a walkway and still, the pirates didn't seem to care. 'They don't seem to take the threat seriously' He sighed looking at the Large plate armored minotaur next to him. Jindrai smiled over his shoulder as he surveyed his men's work. 'Of course not, they think they can just sail away when they need to.' 'Yet to meet a hip that can outrun an adult dragon, let alone Raviwrar.' the Elf shook his head, these beings always seemed so full of hubris, he never understood the criminal groups of the south. 'When is Lyzzaru due back anyway?' 'My dear Raelgil, One would think you were the impatient military man between us.' Jandari smiled 'She'll be back shortly.' 'My father taught me the importance of scouting, plus I saw how Jam-Jam rushed in' Raelgil chuckled still looking out over the swamp. Blue lights flashed in the distance causing both to look on concerned, 'You told her not to engage right?' Raelgil looked on, as a shiny blue object darted their way from the distance. 'Yes,' Jandari paused for a second before bellowing 'INCOMING, BRACE YOURSELVES' The shiny object came into proper view, forming a massive bronze dragon with blue flames emanating from several wounds. The dragon crashed into barricades before tumbling over the ground, flattening multiple wooden buildings on the edge of the town. The entire area seemed to descend into chaos as the deafening sounds of wooden splinters, the screams of those who didn't move in time, and yelling from the various soldiers and Jandari, as they tried to regain control. As his sister rolled past him Raelgil's voice was barely audible over the noise 'May what grace has been gifted to me, bath her in warm light.'   The entire swamp seemed to scream in agony at the magic, thousands of pure white featureless people seemed to be reaching out of the swamp towards the town in despair as a white light passed over a now still Lyzzaru, her bronze scales dulled with dust and dirt. 'General? did you see that?' An Orc captain looked terrified at the swamp. Things had quietened 'I did. Jandari responded with a sigh before turning back to his brother 'A. Did you know about this? and B. Can we actually be killed?' Raelgil was moving toward the injured Lyzzaru, his magic had stabilized her and she was waking up, however, she was far from ok. 'huh?' he absentmindedly responded 'oh yeah I'd heard rumors that the swamp was undead.' before turning his attention back to Lyzzaru. 'Come again?' The Orc seemed to lose his nerve completely 'We have to fight the swamp itself?' 'No, I don't think..' Jandari stuttered, he wasn't used to being this blindsided in military matters, and both the revelations that one of the greatwyrms now looked critical and the swamp was, for lack of knowledge, seemingly alive, seemed to have broken the moral of his troops. This was not a position he liked being in and was sure that critical need-to-know information was missed. Rounding on Raelgil 'And when did you intend on sharing this with the rest of the class?' 'Bigger problems' Raelgil reminded Jandari as Lyzzaru lifted her head off the wooden gangway it laid on. 'What happened?' Raelgil continued to her. 'How many dragons live in this.' Lyzzaru started before pausing 'Sorry lived in this swamp?' Both Raelgil and Jandari looked at each other and shrugged 'Not sure, Why?' Lyzzaru sighed 'Because they're now undead similar to Ravi, Three ambushed me by where Aten was.' 'We're out teethed.' Jandari sighed looking at Raelgil 'Even if Lyzzaru was at full strength, us three vs four with unknown capabilities is not filling me with confidence.' before turning back to Lyzzaru 'How long?' 'Two days, maybe Three' She coughed before her eyes widened. Jandari looked to Raelgil for some good news, hoping the oldest there knew something he didn't only to be met with a shake of the head 'To get a message to any of our other siblings and them to get here would be three days and that's depending Miodulth or Girliorth is still in the area and found quickly.' 'Who did this to my little sister' A female voice snarled behind them causing both men to swing around in shock.   Stood on the dock looking through the town at Lyzzaru's injured draconic form was a half-decayed-looking green Dragonborn wearing an elaborate green and silver dress and a golden crown that was covered in jewels. Next to her on one side was a young, very attractive elf dressed in lavash clothing of vibrant greens, including a green leather tricorne, and carrying a wing-shaped harp. The other side was a deep blue colored Tiefling with draconic horns. She wore riding leathers and carried a rapier. She would be considered beautiful if not for the dark burn scar that covered the left side of her face and mask. The elf smiled 'After the Conclave, I figured you might need help. Turns out I was right.' Realgil nodded in respect 'Very astute Moidulth.' Before turning to the Dragonborn 'Essyrri, a pleasure to see you again. If you join us in the command tent, we can fill you all in.' Essyarri smiled as she walked forward with the others 'Most of our other siblings are already en route.' As they entered the command tent. A few moments later a cloaked Owlin flew down and walked into the tent.   After several minutes Moidulth came out of the tent and walked up to Lyzzaru 'Give us a boost' He smiled as he jumped on her head. Once she lifted him up to a decent height he power his voice up and spoke to the whole town 'Ladies and gentlemen, I would like your attention a minute.' before seeing a sapphire dragon coming in from the east. 'Preffable your undivided, please ignore the overgrown muscle head landing, I'm better to look at anyway. Unfortunately, I must inform you an army of undead is coming this way. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but this horde has anywhere between four and seven dragons. Now my siblings and I do intend to halt this horde here and my very stern-looking older brother Jandari's army will also be present. Anyone who isn't a fighter I would suggest leaving, as well as anyone with doesn't wish to fight. The collateral damage will probably be incredibly high and we don't wish to endanger life unnecessarily, Thank you for your attention, except for the Dwarf who took the opportunity to scam his friends with cards while I was talking.'

Jindrai and Raelgil Sepa wait for Lyzzaru's scouting report
Date: 27 Rapha, 122 Fey


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