Time Clock Item in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Time Clock

The time clock is part of the grind and work culture and some slang was inspired by the time clock. Although mundane many organizations use these devices to keep track of time and how much they need pay their employees.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The employee types in an identification number at the start and end of their shifts that helps chronicle their time worked so they can be paid for their work.


Before the technology was invented the records of timekeeping to pay workers were done with pen and paper. This style of timekeeping was time-consuming so making employees type in an identification number at the beginning and end of their shifts was more effistiant.


This item is used by many organizations such as Pfussäwinn Witts to keep track of the hours that have been worked by employees so appropriate pay can be doled out to the employees.
Item type
Electronic / Cybernetic
Owning Organization
Raw materials & Components
Various electronics and a touch screen with computer components.