Shadow Fox
He walked through the shadows like he was one of them. His eyes glowed like a shadow fox.A wispy creature that is fox shaped with a glowing symbol on their forehead. They do not have whites in their eyes. Their eyes are always glowing and they will only go out at night.
Basic Information
They have four legs and a single tail. They also have two glowing eyes and a glowing symbol on their foreheads. The symbol is different from fox to fox. The symbol is a Draconic symbol for shadow and one other element. The glow will take on the color of the second element. If the symbol says "shadowy fire" the glow will be red.
Genetics and Reproduction
They reproduce sexually.
Growth Rate & Stages
Kits are not born with a symbol on their forehead. As they enter maturity the symbol starts to appear on their head. The symbol will mark the kind of element they were near when they grew up. As kits, their eyes, paws, and the tip of the tail will glow white.
Ecology and Habitats
They live in woodlands and meadows.
Dietary Needs and Habits
They eat meat and some greens.
They will chase their tails if they are bored.
Additional Information
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
They have very good hearing.
5 to 6 years
Average Height
20 inches
Average Weight
4.9 pounds
Average Length
18 inches
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The fox is black and shadowy. They glow in a few different colors.