Flutter Bun Species in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil

Flutter Bun

The Flutter Bun is a bunny-rabbit-cat-butterfly critter. They live in meadows and are very friendly.

Basic Information


These critters have three pairs of legs. So they have three legs on each side of their body. This critter has a big fluffy tail. They have a cute little heads with butterfly-like ears. They have two cute rabbit eyes and a small wiggly nose. They also have small mouths. They also have two sets of wings. One set of wings is bigger than the other.   Their little bunny-like cat legs are in pairs of three. The first two parts of the legs are near the front of the critter. Their little paws have retractable claws.

Genetics and Reproduction

They reproduce sexually and give birth to live young.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They like eating vegetables. They can also drink nectar.

Additional Information


Their cute softness makes them desirable pets. Since they like cuddling with people they make great pets.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have good senses. They have smell, sight, hearing, and touch. They can also sense magic.