Behir Species in Under an Iron Sky | World Anvil


Basic Information


This monster has a long slimy body. Its body is very snake. It can have up to five pairs of legs and one set of arms. Its body extends past its last set of legs and starts to look more like a tail. Starting at its first front set of legs its body will stand up with a more humanoid spine. On its vertical body, it has two arms or one set of arms. It has a serpent-like mouth with two eyes. It also has horns on either side of its head.

Biological Traits

When they become adults they will be able to breath lighting.

Genetics and Reproduction

The monster reproduces with eggs. The eggs are fertilized internally and the eggs are laid in a nest until they hatch. The monster will lay up to three eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

They start their growth in an egg. Normally there is one young in each egg. Because the eggs are tasty snacks to other critters the eggs need to be watched. Even if every egg hatches out all are going to grow into adults. Sometimes the young will be eaten by their siblings or parents. It can take up to a hundred years to grow into their adult form.

Ecology and Habitats

These monsters like to live in the darkest deepest parts of the sea. They make their home in sea caves that have breathable air. They can eat fish, whales, and other sea life. They have been known to try to eat dragons.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

The monster can speak some very basic Draconic. It is smart enough to pick up things and use them as a tool. But it is not smart enough to make a society.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The monster has sight, hearing, smell, and touch. It can see in the dark and in water. It can sense magic in the air and taste it on its tongue.
Scientific Name
Sea Monster
500 years
Average Physique
They are large monsters that look thin and slimy.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
It has blue-like skin. The monster looks very sick.

Inspiration Credits

  Dungeons & Dragons: BehirĀ