The Tale of Mori (short version) Myth in Ultimus | World Anvil
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The Tale of Mori (short version)

Once upon a medieval day, there was a terrible plague in a land of birds and rodents, this plague turned certain species in parasites that would destroy non-parasites' eggs and trick them into raising their own. These parasites were called Broods, and our hero is one of them; Mori is a young and small Giant Cowbird, who was rejected by his host parents so he lives by himself. Because Magi lived by himself he decided to travel far and wide to meet new people and, hopefully, find a nice place to live. In his journey and adventures, Mori would encounter friends of all shapes and sizes; but strangely enough, even if he went back to where he met his friends, we wouldn't be able to contact them anymore. Along the way, after he had backtracked Mori would meet an elderly man named Doctor Heartcrest, the two would learn that they have a similar destination in mind as Heartcrest was slowly headed back to his empty home. When Mori told Heartcrest that was alone Heartcrest invited Mori to live with him in his small home but refused to tell Mori why he couldn't contact his other friends in fear of what he might do when he grows up with that kind of information. So Mori and Heartcrest would reach their joint destination, where they would live in quiet peace together; and when Heartcrest would eventually pass away, Mori would find out the hard way why he couldn't find his old friends, and so he would turn his home into a shelter for other Broods who didn't wish to cause harm upon other species.
[Center] The Tale of Mori is a very short and stripped version of another project I want to work on in the future, the project's name is Project Memento Mori, of PMM for short, and I have another world set up for it that will be updated once I finish work with the FlowerGirls short story project.

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