Aubade Building / Landmark in Ultimus | World Anvil
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Aubade is the name of the new headquarters for Arcanus, the headquarters was rebuilt after the last one was destroyed along with most of the estate during the The Gladius Estate Travesty. It was named 'Aubade' as a nod to the new owner of the group, Cantionis.   Aubade is located along the northern-most end of the Gladius Estate, this allows them to be close enough to act in case of emergency, but not too close for each party to be bothered by the presence of the other. It is updated with the latest equipment and design to accommodate the new and intense vision of the current Gladius leader. Remains of the original building were used as much as possible in the construction of the new headquarters, leaving it to look very similar to the exterior.   Fitted with living quarters for each member, a courtyard, training room, medical hall, bunker, and information hall; the headquarters is ready for most challenges. With all this is two separate series of tunnels, one leads to the Gladius Manor and the other goes through the mountains of Middle Ground. This is to allow escape from either of the three areas if needed and was a no-compromise part of the building plans. It also allows for quiet travel between the three and commonly used between members of Cantionis' network.   A large wild-garden separates the Gladius Manor and Aubade, with more than enough food to take care of those who live on the Estate, as well as visitors of both the person and animal kinds. To the east is a creek, one often used to wash up and relax in, members of Arcanus have also been known to use the creek's natural flowing water for healing and mystical purposes, claiming that the water is perfect for potions and brews.
Guard post / house
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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