Ulnaverse: A Humerus Adventure Homepage | World Anvil

Ulnaverse: A Humerus Adventure

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A setting focuses on the adventures of Phill Z Morris. Specifically broken down into three distinct layers.   Layer 1: Reality itself, and me the author. Phill is totally not a self-insert. Completely not.   Layer 2: The skeleton astronaut Phill Morris, who died by choking on a piece of gum during a spacewalk. Then revived by an avian elder avian diety called The Many Feather Faced God for the purpose of entertainment, granting magical powers while leaving him trapped on a communication satellite    Layer 3: Phill's delusions as Pryzmor Duke of Doot, in the Ulnaverse who seeks to monopolize the dairy industry to have complete control of the calcium in the universe. In his travels as a "Villian", he encounters many dastardly "heroes" who try to stop him, normally at the cost of the innocent lives, he is trying to protect. The hero and villain roles often getting completely twisted in his delusions.

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