Moonster Geographic Location in Ulnaverse: A Humerus Adventure | World Anvil

Moonster (Moon-ster (duh))

"Screw them, they never have the cheese I want." - Pryzmor Duke of Doot

A Land of Cheddar

Located within the area of space known as the Duchy of Doots, Moonster revolves around a gas giant. The moon is an anomaly, being made entirely of various consistencies of the dairy product known as 'cheese'. Miners operate a great factory that provides the Duchy of Doots with fifty percent (50%) of their supply of this required calcium product.

Localized Phenomena

A strange event done between locals is the trade of one of the rarer resources on the planet as a form of currency, the food product is called Cheddar. A common saying between the miners being "Let's cut the cheddar". This form of currency can only persist due to the unique properties of the cheese produced from this celestial body.
Alternative Name(s)
Land of Holes
Planetoid / Moon


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