First Intergalactic Empire Organization in UEmp | World Anvil

First Intergalactic Empire

The First Intergalactic Empire (IE) was the forced union of galaxies formed after the massive era of intergalactic wars that took place after the space colonization that Rai accomplished.   They sent lots of cryogenic ships, and, after that, lots of FTL ships, to terraform and colonize the universe. With time, those colonies, still under control of Rai, outnumber its metropoli, so they started to think of freedom. This led to massive wars, known as the Galactic Wars Era. After more years than one can imagine, a peace was reached within various galactic groups and alliances which, finally, formed the First IE.   This IE lasted long enough to consider themselves absolutely invincible and undefeatable, and started expanding and evolving, specially in the political and administrative aspects: such a huge empire needed new forms of governance almost every day, and the expansive intentions of the ruling Empire Governance Body (EGB) only made more and more problems.   Circa the year 25 000 UC started the huge Internal Civil War, focused on take down the EGB. But during this war took place an unexpected discovery: the real existence of other universes, and the real possibility of going there. Thus, although the war continued, some sectors of this universe started to think and try to go to other universes and, of course, colonize them. After some time, a neutral peace had been reached with a common goal: to colonize these unknown universes and expand our own power. The Universal Alliance had been born, with planet Rai as the head of everything.
Government, Leadership
Power Structure