Expanded Laws in Ubuild | World Anvil

Expanded Laws

Player Information

Proclimation Phase

When a Kingdom decides to make a proclimation during the 1st kingdom phase. They may choose to enact a sentence as a law as part of their proclimation. A kingdom must proclaim that they are enacting a law in a wide variety of ways, or else it will simply be a proclimation.
"From this day forward-""-Shall henceforth be legalized/illegal.""-as such, my word is law.""We are enacting a new law which states-"
— Several examples of declaring the intent to creating a law.

Proclimation vs Law

A proclimation will turn a stat into another stat at a 1:1 ratio, for your kingdom only. A law will create a +2 bonus for any kingdom that has access to that law. Addendums to a law will change that bonus by either +1, or swapping stats at a 1:1 ratio for all kingdoms who uphold that law.
Proclimations cannot be traded, while laws can, but they can be changed after the fact.
Laws cannot be altered with funding, but proclimations can exchange funds at a 2:1 ratio with other kingdom stats.
Proclimations can get bigger bonuses from discoveries. Laws can get bonuses for how many different kingdoms they are in from discoveries.

Local Laws

Mayors have the ability to create a "Local Law" Which is only applied in their settlement, and other settlements which adopt the law within their own kingdom by other mayors. Every settlement that adopts a local law. A kingdom may choose at any time to make a local law an offocial one by stating so during their proclimation. If they do so, all settlements within the kingdom that adopted said law, will gain 2 funding for every +1 bonus that law provides, but they will no longer be able to change the law on a local level.
Mayors also have the ability to decriminalize any 1 kingdom law per number of hexes their settlement is on. This changes the highest bonus on a law to a new value.
Economy > Loyalty > Stability > Economy
This bonus will change as the law changes, and may be reversed outside of the normal proclimation phase. The bonus will always move from left to right on the list, never the reverse.

GM Information


In order to properly sort the required information, each law must have a unique name. As words are not quite infinite, but time certainly is, the unique name will start off as a number, and eventually be given a more public title. Formatting each law will take place as follows:

[spoiler][b]YYYYMMDDVV[i] "Official Name"[/i]:[/b] Description (Bonus)|Official Name (Total Bonus)[/spoiler]

Date (Y/M/D): the exact date of the law to be passed must be input from the Year, the numerical value of the month, and the numerical value of the day.
Value (V): Each law passed on the same day must be given an alphabetical value. This value starts at AA, and proceeds to Z along the 2nd letter value. If enough laws are passed that AZ is not enough, it proceeds to BA, and continues in the same pattern. Should this value proceed to ZZ, and still requires more, then the value changes to Aa and proceeds from there with the same pattern. The next steps are for aA, and aa until zz is reached. IF at that point all nearly half a million options are given for the same date, then a 1 is added at the end of the next value of AA and it continues from there, adding a new number each time. If by this point over 4.5 million laws are added in a day, this system was not made to support so many different laws at the same time. To recap, each level goes AA>Aa>aA>aa>AA1 and so on.
"Official Name": Write the official, or public name that a law is given, if any, in this section. If there is nothing official, put "N/A" instead. This can be open to interpretation by a GM, however at the owning kingdoms request, this name can be changed at any time. If a law is named after a city, or public figure, it would go into this section.
Description: Here, place the full, 1 sentence description of the law copied from the proclamation.
Bonus: The value given by the specific level of a law. Most likely a +2 bonus to a kingdom stat, open to interpretation by the GM.
Total Bonus: For the purposes of ease of use, each law, as it is gains addendums, will cause the total value of a law to fluctuate. As such, the total value of a law is listed in the spoiler title.

Addendum Formatting

When a law is amended, the entire name of the amended law is copied over, with the exception of adding an addendum number to the end. This simply adds "add" and the amendment number value for that law. Should an addendum require addendums, then return to the Value (VV) for additional sorting and clarification.

YYYYMMDDVVadd#VV "Official Name": Description of addendum. (Bonus)

Local Laws Formatting

To maintain simplicity, local laws are created exactly as normal, but with LL at the beginning. If a kingdom adopts a local law, the LL is simply removed.
LLYYYYMMDDVVadd#VV "Official Name": Description of addendum. (Bonus)


-15001225AE "The 5th Commandment" +1 stability, +2 Loyalty.
-15001225AE "the 5th Commandment": Thou Shalt Not Kill (+2 Stability)
Because this is a form of religious decree, it provides a +2 total stability to the kingdom stat of any kingdom who holds this law.

-15001225AEadd1: Except apparently people who don't believe the same things we do. (-1 stability +2 Loyalty)

Because this is an exception to the law, it can apply to either loyalty or economy. Either the Admin or the player can give arguements for why this can apply to economy, but loyalty is the more logical choice for how a civilization will react to such a law, as it will directly affect people who aren't loyal to the law, or the kingdom itself.

13050107AC "The Law Of Stone" +3 Stability, +2 Loyalty, +2 Economy.
13050107AC "The Law of Stone""This law shall never be destroyed, under penalty of death, and the family shall rebuild it if need be."(+2 Stability)
13050107ACadd1 "Royalty Clause":Only true royalty may truly destroy a law, but they too shall suffer death.(-1 Stability, +1 Loyalty)
13050107ACadd2 "Carving Clause":Any law to be passed into society must be carved into the walls of the city itself. (+1 Stability)
13050107ACadd2add1 "Carving details":Each one must be written in the ancient runes of the dwarves, the language true to our ancestry.(+1 Loyalty)
13050107ACadd2add2 "Carving details 2":Each letter must be twenty feet tall, and ten feet wide.(+1 Stability)
13050107ACadd3 "Funding Clause" Funding each law is provided by the lawmakers who create it, never from funds taken outside the country or city that the law is passed in. (-1 Loyalty, +2 Economy)

Current Laws


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