Shadestain Condition in Twilight of Lume | World Anvil
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The darkness of the lost world clings to those who pass through it. Spend too long within, and it burns itself into the soul.
— The Eclectic Panacea and Other Remedies
  While not the most common of diseases in Dhelboran, Shadestain is well-known and well-feared. Delvers who spend too long within the cursed darkness of the Rift of Twisting Stones are at risk of contracting this magical disease. Shadestain begins as splotchy black stains upon the skin, slowly progressing until the entire body has been darkened. Finally, the victim is transformed into a Shade, a monstrous imitation of the being it once was.

Transmission & Vectors

While Shadestain can be contracted anywhere in the Underdark, it is most commonly appears when in the darkness within the Rift. The deeper one goes, the quicker it is contracted; merely being within the darkness is enough to begin infection. It can be mitigated through persistent light, but never entirely blocked.


Shadestain is found in the cursed lands of the Underdark. It came to be during the Fall of the Underneath when Anduru betrayed his brother and cast the underground world into darkness. This darkness has carried Anduru's hate and jealousy for millennia and continue to do harm to this day.


When caught early, Shadestain can be cured by exposing the stained skin to sunlight. For more severe cases, exposure to the magical sunlight from the towers of Dhelboran can save an otherwise doomed victim.

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