Retter Character in Twilight | World Anvil
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Retter (Rhett tar)

King Retter Discord- Roth (a.k.a. Knight of Darkness)

Retter is the son of the former duchess and Elise and the Shadow king Sephiran. He was an orphan that was hated by the village. Villagers thought he was a demon because of his red eyes. but Elise took care of him. At 13 he became a trainee knight where he met his best friend and cousin, Leon Roth, and his enemy, Dieter. After defeating Edelmar and meeting the King, he got that title. Retter is in love with Frieda, who was forced into servitude after her father died. At 16 he was anointed king by Ludwig Von Elden. He married Frieda and they had two children together, a son named Erebus and a daughter named Eris. Eris was born prematurely due to Frieda being poisoned by her cousin, Mia, so Retter killed the Lancelot Family. After being Usurped by Dieter, he and his family traveled back to where the Portal was and took refuge in the newly created Shadow realm.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Retter was one of the first known People with ADHD, he had a hard time focusing, was hyper so he could train or just be outside in general, and was easily distracted. He also has Ehlers Danlos as he was flexible and his skin was stretchy. Retter is flexible, strong, muscular.

Body Features

Tall and muscular. Rectangular-shaped body. Retter is very tall for his size. At 13 he was already 5'11, as an adult, he grew up to 6 feet. He was one of the tallest of the trainees. Due to training and hard work, Retter has some good muscles. He is also big in size and had to be gentle. His skin is also very pale

Facial Features

Retter has a triangle-shaped face, deep-set almond-shaped eyes, and natural pink lips. His eyes have a black lining around them that resembles eyeliner. If he makes the right expression, he can strike fear into anyone.

Identifying Characteristics

Red eyes, pale skin. Retter is the only and first person to have red eyes. He also has a black lining around his eyes.

Physical quirks

left-handed. Hates cold weather. Sweats a lot. Walks as if he is being followed or is in danger. Shadow is bigger compared to other people.

Special abilities

  • Blood manipulation. 
  • Hiding in Shadow, 
  • interdimensional storage, 
  • fast healer.
  • Can use and create Shadows. 
  • absorbs light making it become twilight.
  • night vision.
  • create tendrils from darkness to attack or bind. 
  • Shadow portal. 
  • Dark Form
  • Darkness Embodiment.
  • Darkness Weaponry.
  • Darkside View by manipulating the dark corners of one's mind and soul.
  • Mental Manipulation by learning to control dark corners of the mind and soul. 

Apparel & Accessories

As a child, Retter wore a dark grey tunic with a brown belt in the middle, black pants, and dark brown ankle boots. He joined the knights he wore a chainmail undershirt with a light grey tunic that has a big black cross on it, white pants, and dark brown knee-length boots. He pulled the sleeves up to his elbow. As an official Knight: Retter wore a long sleeve dark grey tunic with a red X in the center, black fingerless gloves, dark blue pants, and black boots. Elise sewed him a red cape which became a darker red from being soaked in blood. His king uniform wasn't very different from his Knight uniform. He would wear a grey tunic over a black blazer with gold embroidery. Retter has also been rewarded with an Iron cross, so he wore that all the time. His crown was black with rubies.   In the Shadow realm, Retter got a darker looking outfit. It was still similar to his knight outfit. He started wearing bandages around his torso, hands arms. He wore a silver belt with red locks and straps around his legs.

Specialized Equipment

Sword of Twilight, bow, and arrow, knives, Armor, shield.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Retter's history   Retter was an orphan, his mother was forced to abandon him. When his eye color changed from grey to red he was banned from the orphanage as other people believed he was a demon. Elise gladly let him stay at her cottage but he would spend most of his time outside. At 13 he signed up and became a trainee knight where he met his cousin, Leon, and his friends, Sena and Yvette. a new girl, Christina, and his rival, Dieter Gunther. At 16, Retter traveled the world as Frieda was kidnapped. Retter defeated the Dark Lord Mauritius, and Edelmar Von Elden. A year Later, he had his coronation. At 19, he and Frieda got married and had 2 children. They wanted to have 3 but after being poisoned while Pregnant with Eris, they thought that another pregnancy would risk her life, also, Frieda was unable to conceive again.


He's straight for Frieda. No one else interests him.


Elise taught Retter basic skills, such as writing, grammar, math, and science. Since Elise was a Duchess she has a high education. Retter taught himself a few things, Hunting, street smarts, survival, gardening. At 13 he signed up to become a knight where he learned sword-fighting, history, psychology, and Horseback riding. When he traveled around the world he learned about their customs, traditions.


At 13, Retter became a trainee knight. He graduated at 16, becoming an official knight. When he killed the evil Queen, the king handed over his title to Retter. Years later, Retter had to leave his kingdom due to being overthrown when the public found out who was behind the mysterious mass murder of the Lancelot family.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Retter's first big accomplishment would be 
  • graduating from the training camp and getting his horse Hecate. 
  • Traveling outside the kingdom. 
  • Rescuing Frieda. 
  • Adventuring the cold fortress and killing the Queen: Edelmar. 
  • Becoming king, marrying Frieda, raising a son and daughter.

Failures & Embarrassments

When Retter's eyes turned red the orphanage believed he was a demon and drove him out, attempting to kill him. Retter is afraid to go to town because people will mistreat him or run away from him.   When he visited the cold fortress he kept running into icy traps, he got frozen a few times and almost caught hypothermia. He managed through until he went home but passed out once he reached the Barracks and had to be hospitalized.

Mental Trauma

At a young age, Retter was thought to be a monster due to his blood-red eyes. Villagers would run away or try to kill him, other kids would bully him. Elise and Frieda were the only two who believed Retter wasn't a monster. Then he met his drill Sargent, his best friend, and cousin, Leon. His captain, who was also his cousin, Ece, and the other trainees. Sena, Yvette, and Christina.

Intellectual Characteristics

Retter is a quick thinker and brave, making him the perfect Knight. Retter also has a wide knowledge of History and Science. He knows how to write but he has dysgraphia so his handwriting is horrible. Retter also has a hard time with math

Morality & Philosophy

Retter believes every good person should be treated with respect. No one should be mistreated for no reason.


  • abortion
  • addiction
  • adultery
  • bestiality
  • bigotry
  • cannibalism
  • drinking alcohol during pregnancy
  • incest
  • infanticide
  • matricide
  • murder
  • necrophilia
  • obscenity
  • pedophilia
  • polygamy
  • prostitution
  • racism
  • sexism
  • slavery
  • smoking
  • suicide

Personality Characteristics


Retter promised Frieda that when they're older they'll run away somewhere else for a different life. As a knight, Retter was focused on doing his best. So he could...

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Retter has a hard time communicating with other strangers as he gets very defensive and sometimes can't speak in public because of anxiety. Retter has a little bit of a hard time focusing on certain subjects. He likes to write stories and music but his handwriting is terrible because he has dysgraphia.

Likes & Dislikes

Retter likes being with Frieda, eating Ice cream with Leon, training, and being outside. he likes listening to music, cuddling with Frieda, and hanging out with her. Retter is also a BDSM fanatic. His favorite foods are apples and chocolate.    He hates going to town as is it crowded, Retter hates the crowd and noise, As well as the villagers who mistreated him. He doesn't Frieda crying, being sick, or getting hurt to the point that he will kill whoever hurt her. He's the same with his children. Dieter was a huge egotistical jerk who would harass Frieda. After being in the Cold Fortress and dodging traps of all sorts, Retter hates the cold

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Retter is adventurous. Because he spent most of his time in the forest, away from people, he became independent.  
  • He is, very affectionate with Frieda and his children. 
  • He's determined to reach his goal, and is brave enough to go into danger. 
  • Retter is also self-disciplined as he was orphan and is very quiet. 
  • He cares very much about his friends and family. 
  • His father is the Shadow king so Retter is powerful compared to the other villagers.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Retter can look gruff and intimidating as he is quiet and solemn. 
  • He can be blunt about things and even sarcastic. 
  • Retter is one of the first people to have ADHD, which is why he hates crowds and noises. 
  • Retter also has a sadistic side, he tortured Dieter for hours when he tried sexually assaulting Frieda. He took his time with killing Mia and Roderick.

Personality Quirks

  • Animal lover
  • Cleans weapons often
  • Waves weapons around
  • Daydreamer
  • Deep voice
  • Constantly vulgar
  • Does not understand idioms


Retter gets dirty from being outside and training a lot. He's used to finding a lake or river and bathing in there, he even did this while in Knight training. He'll sometimes take baths with Frieda.


Contacts & Relations

Retter knows Ludwig and Mitzi from Sutverold. He made good friends with other leaders of villages and kingdoms.

Family Ties

Retter is directly related to the Shadow king. His mother was a Duchess from the Roth noble family, so he has ties with them. The Lancelots used to be his In-laws, but he killed them.

Religious Views

Retter is very Christian. He's like Father from bread boys. "NO HERESY!"  Elise taught him about Christianity. He ended up causing a war between Rome and Greece because he commented that their gods are very similar. He did spread Christianity around Rome but didn't bother with Greece. The Spartans are fucking scary.

Social Aptitude

Retter usually doesn't talk and likes to keep to himself. He does have good manners and can be Charismatic if he tries hard enough, he is very introverted.


Retter can be nice, but he doesn't really like talking to strangers.

Hobbies & Pets

Retter has a horse name Hecate that he has a love/hate relationship. It's like she has ADHD because she gets distracted and runs away, which annoys Retter to the point he yelled. "WHERE'S MY FUCKING HORSE!" and she showed up. Hecate also gives him an attitude like pushing him off into the mud, water, dirt, snow, the ground in general. She sometimes bites him, tried eating his hair once.   Retter likes playing the piano and other instruments. He enjoys writing songs and stories but his handwriting is terrible. He grows apple trees and reads books under them. Believe it or not, Retter enjoys cooking.


Retter has a deep voice. He usually goes "ja" "Naja" "Nein" when talking.



wife (Vital)

Towards Retter




Husband (Vital)

Towards Frieda




They first met when Retter found Frieda crying at the moonlit lake, where he planted his apple trees. They became best friends and eventually grew a strong romantic relationship as they got older.

Nicknames & Petnames

Retter calls Frieda his princess. Frieda will say that Retter is her knight in shining armor. Retter also calls Frieda, cute, adorable, prettiest girl ever, beautiful, Engel. Frieda will comment on how amazing Retter is. She called him handsome

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Retter and Frieda both come from negligent origins. Frieda became an orphan, Retter was an orphan. They both like exploring the outdoors and animals.

Shared Acquaintances

Frieda and Retter didn't have any other Friends except for each other. Retter introduced Leon to Frieda and they became good friends

Legal Status



Son (Important)

Towards Elise




Mother (Vital)

Towards Retter




Elise Roth is Retter's mother. She put him in an orphanage when he was born. Three years later, Retter was thrown out so Elise let him stay in her cottage.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Elise and Retter both like Gardening, they both like to read and write. They both enjoy nature and animals

Shared Secrets

Elise is Retter's mother.

Shared Acquaintances

Leon and Ece have a good relationship with Elise. When she found out Retter wanted to join the knights she asked Leon to be his friend.


Cousin (Vital)

Towards Retter




Cousin (Vital)

Towards Leon




Leon quickly became Retter's friend when he first joined the Knights.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Leon introduced Retter to Ice cream. In their free time, they'll get ice cream then sit on a rooftop and watch the sunset.

Shared Acquaintances

Leon introduced Retter to his friends Sena and Yvette.


Rival (Trivial)

Towards Retter




Rival (Trivial)

Towards Dieter




On Retter's first day at the barracks, Dieter thought he would try embarrassing him but ended up being embarrassed himself. He declared himself as Retter's rival.

Nicknames & Petnames

Dieter will call Retter a lowly orphan

Wealth & Financial state

Retter wasn't that wealthy when he was young, considering He was kicked out of the orphanage for fear of him being a demon and being hated or feared by almost everyone.   but as a king? He was filthy fucking rich. He lives in a giant fucking castle with tons of valuables. Being the humble person he is, Retter isn't obsessed with being rich, like most nobles and doesn't brag about it. Of course, he uses his riches to help the kingdom
  • Retter invented BDSM. He made his own breed of apples.
  • The skin is blood red, the inside is pinkish, it is heart shapes and it tastes very sweet and tangy.
  • His father is the king of Shadows, which is why he is so powerful, but Retter eventually killed him.
  • His name means savior in German.
  • His chinese name is Xiaojun, but he was also called 
  • He wrote several songs, including Fur Elise. It was originally written by him for his mother. Years later, Beethoven found it and tried decoding it, making the song cheerier than it originally was.
  • When his descendants play his songs on the piano, the room will get darker, creepier, or sometimes stormy and he will sometimes appear.
Divine Classification
Shadow beast
Chaotic good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Sir
  • King
Currently Held Titles
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
Date of Birth
October 13
Circumstances of Birth
Unexpected but prophesied
Frieda (wife)
Piercing Blood red
Spiky Raven black hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
135 lbs- 250 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
Naja, Ja
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Retter grew up in a German kingdom that also spoke English. He learned other languages like Spanish, Italian, Greek, Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.
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