Discord Virus Condition in Twilight | World Anvil
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Discord Virus

It's not like a virus but it acts like one. It's a mental virus with serious physical effects. It's like how you get headaches or stomachaches from being stressed out, only it happens instantly.   from early 1716 to 1717 there was a plague outbreak with symptoms very similar to the Discord virus, only they would get black spots on them. This happened to people who came in close contact with Shadow beast, everyone else was fine.   During an episode, blood will start dripping from the eyes, mouth, nose, and some other areas. If it's a violent episode, the vision will be monochrome with faint color, their peripheral vision will have black smudges and they will hallucinate and see shadowy figures with white eye holes or hear voices. If it's a flight or fight episode, the same will happen only everyone will look like shadowy figures with eye wholes that are red, and the only people they recognize are close friends and family, and people who share the Discord blood in general. In violent episodes, the person may giggle every once in a while with a tic, their hands will shake and they'll twitch if talking. Their voice may become raspy and creepy. In fight or flight, the person will become violent to anyone who tries touching them and will run away, mainly to safe places they are familiar such as home, or into the forest for some reason. One theory suggest that it's more difficult to find someone in the forest, therefore making it easier to hide. There's a 3rd type of episode, depressive. This happens when a closed loved one dies, and the symptoms are the same except there are no violent tendencies and the person will not harm anyone. They may stare off into space or certain objects.


Stress, trauma, mental breakdown, or anything emotional even that is too much for the brain to handle. Seizures, Anxiety attacks, Asthma attacks, and being overwhelmed(ADHD) can also cause the virus to activate. The brain will send signals to the body to make more blood. The blood will get delivered to hallow organs like the stomach. What's happening is the Dark essences is trying to get out but because it's so hidden the body will make excess blood which has traces of it, and depending on how serious it is, the blood dripping out will turn black.


  • Physical symptoms would be:
  • Arrhythmia(abnormal heartbeat),
  • Vomiting blood,
  • Malnourishment,
  • Loss of appetite,
  • High Fever(Way above normal temperature. >110°F >40.0°F)
  • Chills,
  • Shortness of breath,
  • Anemia,
  • Tics,
  • Nose bleed,
  • Crying blood,
  • Coughing blood,
  • Sneezing blood,
  • Sweating blood,
  • Heavy period,
  • Bloody, uncontrollable orgasm/ejaculation(Mostly when unconscious)
  • Mental symptoms:
  • Peripheral Vertigo,
  • Seizures,
  • Amnesia,
  • Catatonic phases,
  • Hallucinations,
  • Blurred vision,
  • Mania,
  • Anxiety attacks,
  • Delusions,
  • Separation Anxiety,
  • Violent,
  • Selective Mutism,


First stage: Rest and Relaxation. Tylenol to reduce the fever. Eating more or nutrition shakes   2nd stage: Medication. Inhaler. for shortness of breath and Medication to help stop or reduce arrhythmia or cardioversion.   3rd stage: Shock to the brain, mostly hitting over a certain area. Medication can stall but this is the only cure. Antipsychotics, Antiseizure. Antiemetic for the vomiting, blood transfusion, consumption of blood-rich foods, or a feeding tube. Saline will help with dehydration.   Many times it'll go away on it's own depending on how the person reacts. ETC, if a person becomes violent then they will have to satisfy their violent tendencies. If a person is in flight or fight mode, the illness won't go away without treatment, even if they are safe and feel safe.


1st stage: Fever, chills, loss of appetite, Delusions, Amnesia, catatonic phases, nosebleeding   2nd stage: Nosebleed, shortness of breath, coughing, sneezing, and crying blood. Tics, Mania, selective mutism, separation anxiety, arrhythmia   3rd stage: Vertigo, Hallucinations, seizure, anxiety attacks, vomiting blood, sweating blood, heavy period/uncontrollable bloody orgasm, Night terrors, Anemia, malnourishment.


Resulting conditions after experiencing attack:
  • Eating Disorder
  • Miscarriage
  • Asthma
  • Heart attacks
  • cardiac arrest
  • Insomnia
  • Chronic Anemia
  • Malnourishment
  • Discolored nails 
  • Outburst of powers

Affected Groups

Discord family, hence the name: Discord Virus When puberty starts as the gene will start reacting to hormonal changes; episodes happen during and after adolescents.

Hosts & Carriers

Retter Erebus Eris Raven Nyx Gerhardt Luna They have the gene that activates the virus. They don't know about it until they have their first episode.


No prevention except for not giving said person mental breakdown or stressed out


There's a gene that will cause the Virus to trigger. It is random, so it's unpredictable to know who will inherit it. Zelus didn't have it but Raven and Nyx had the gene. Gerhardt also had the gene. Luna is the only one of her siblings who have the gene. Eve, Victor, Nathaniel, and Luna's siblings do not have it. Further research does show that virus is contained in the eyes, it never goes away, but stays dormant in the eyes which is why when the episode is happening, there will be a red glint in the eyes(If not already red) or the pupils will dilate in a strange way


First Recorded case: Retter experienced these symptoms. The first time was coming back home after searching for Frieda. Other times would be surviving the cold fortress, Frieda being poisoned while pregnant.   Erebus had his first episode when Natoma died of the flu.

Cultural Reception

Some people may think the victim is cursed and won't touch them out of fear of catching the curse. In modern times, people get scared because of the blood.
Chronic, Congenital
Affected Species

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