The Ambersans Emok Geographic Location in Tutorial | World Anvil
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The Ambersans Emok


The massive obsidian spires of Kelngrade cut through the stone sky. Below the untamed expanse is only broken by Irepine Reservoir at its center. The reservoir connects to an immense sea of submerged caverns holding long forgotten things.   The East Black is a twisting labyrinth with no natural luminescence. The twisting paths, outcroppings, and strange tunnels were dug by long gone creatures now only the Bitter Dark makes its home there.   In opposition to the East Black, smooth black and orange stone leads to the jagged ferrous fields of Kalmaload. Vast swaths of stone bored out by time and rust filled waters. The now pocked fields are watched over by the great Kalmaload Fortress. Rust trees dot the fields as remnants of the ore veins from days long past.   Thousands of winding paths lead to darker and danker places, but a few lead to the Black Flows of Ibrix Font. Atop the savage heat sits a craggy subterranean mountain topped with a black diamond fortress. The tunnels near the flows team with life as the heat provides much needed respite form the colder depths.   Following the flows up there is a great plate that rotates, about three times a year, changing the direction of the Black Flows. Its said there is a fire dragon or maybe Ifrit controlling the plate, but none have seen it. The plate is a mostly rough stone edges and bears many rough hewn stone passages. The greatest is a massive aqueduct like passage that pours out to form the Black Flows. Fire elementals and beasts who like it hot spend much time in the catacombs.   Traveling across the plate and crossing near the east black there is the sea of dead gods. The colossal statues cut too perfectly and made of an unknown unbreakable material. Some build in the walls here and other build atop the titans. The center of the chamber contains a central colossus bearing the dome on its back like an Atlas. A vast ecosystem of fungi have grown providing illumination and life to the immense chamber.   If you travel down the Black Flow you begin to enter the dead lands. A vast necropolis of a long dead empire, few venture there, and fewer come back. The edges of the domain are marked clearly with great gatehouses barring entry to all but the most clever. Rumors say there are thousands of dead there and other say they even walk and talk like people.
Cave System


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Aug 5, 2018 00:29 by Johann Duarte

Articles like yours make me think that caves are "under"rated. Very interesting what we can find undergorund!